Lice and scaley leg mites, need your thoughts please!!


10 Years
May 1, 2009
Hi, I have been having a bit of a problem with these nasty little bugs, have done a search and found lots of good treatment ideas which I plan to try. I am fairly new to this problem in my chickens since it has been about a year since I got them as chicks so not much experience with these things.
Anyway my question is this, when you are handling the chickens that have lice, scaley leg mites or whatever while you are treating them has anyone also gotten these bugs on themselves because when I have handled some of my chickens I feel as if I have things crawling on and biting me, and really what is to prevent them from getting on you. I have been going batty with this situation and I may have to go have a doc check this out to see what is bugging me, I shower and shower and wash clothes constantly but still have bites on me, I now have this bug hangup, help!!!
My understanding is that some of these things can bite you but none of them can survive on you. This is not hugely comforting I'm sorry, but it does mean the bites should stop happening.

If you prove to be quite tasty to these nasty creatures, it may mean that some of the more "intense" treatments for chicken parasites are appropiate to kill them all and kill them fast on your poultry. Thinks like Ivermectin and Moxydectin are mentioned at times, but people suggest quite long withholding periods, meaning you may end up wasting quite a lot of eggs, so many people avoid them. I think this is an off label use for these drugs, by the way.
The bugs cannot survive on you but, they can make you uncomfortable for a day or so
Take a hot shower and try not to think about it. Do a little googling as to how many parasites naturally live on humans and that will really creep you out ... maybe enough to forget about the mites

As for treatments, dusting them and the coops every so often will help but, mites and poultry kinda go hand and hand. I don't think you ever get completely clean of them unless you use the harsh stuff all the time. I heard about skin so soft bath oil for leg mite on an OEGB forum.. old timers swear by it. just lube them up every couple days for a couple weeks and it should clear up too.

Good Luck!
I am treating my 5 hens for scaly leg mites and every time I am around them I "itch" and feel like things are crawling on me. I am taking 2 showers a day to make myself feel better but it doesn't help. I know there is nothing on me as I had my mom check me out on Tuesday and there are no creatures living on me (lice, mites, etc.). I know it is all in my head but that doesn't stop me from itching
I figure it will get better with time.......
Boy I know exactly how you feel, I have never seen anything on myself either but I have turned into a bug fanatic! Eeeeeeeeeek Hope you feel better!! My hubby thinks I am disturbed
probably am!

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