
May 24, 2018
I have treated with Elector PSP for lice (please leave off your comments about elector psp not being labeled for use on lice, thanks) and I see zero live lice but there are still eggs at the base of the feathers.

When will those fall off? Do I need to treat again? Feeling very paranoid about the health of my girls right now. I worry that I caught this lice problem late and while I did treat everyone and strip/treat the entire coop, I'm still concerned.
You can also use safer brand neem oil. The directions for mites/lice are in the fold out pamphlet. I treat periodically as these critters like wooden coops. Make sure the birds are out of the coop, mix according to directions and spray down the entire thing, especially crevices. Let dry 4-6 hrs before birds go back. You can add diatomacious earth to the bedding on the floor and wipe some (or use duster) on the roost bars and in nest boxes.

Use the neem treatment on the coop now and then treat again in two weeks to break any life cycle.

Also focus on boosting the bird's immune systems and providing plenty of clean areas for dust baths. Add the DE to the dust baths for a while if you wish. If you need a clean area for dust baths, a small kiddie pool can be brought in. Good luck!
I have treated with Elector PSP for lice (please leave off your comments about elector psp not being labeled for use on lice, thanks) and I see zero live lice but there are still eggs at the base of the feathers.

When will those fall off? Do I need to treat again? Feeling very paranoid about the health of my girls right now. I worry that I caught this lice problem late and while I did treat everyone and strip/treat the entire coop, I'm still concerned.
Coconut oil will remove lice eggs from feather shafts. Just FYI: DE wont do squat.
hi - what did you end up doing about the lice eggs? I am exactly in your situation today. I noticed the lice on one hen and, after the online research, ordered Elector PSP. In the meantime, I gave a few of the girls a bath with Dawn and that's when I noticed the lice eggs. I removed as much as I could and after I dried the hens I applied the Poultry Dust (with Permethrin) that I was able to get at Tractor Supply locally. Since then, I have deep cleaned the coop with Virkon S and then did a nice spray of the Elector PSP. I have not yet applied it to the birds because I had already dusted them with the Poultry Dust. I think I will wait a week and see what happens. Curious about where you are in your lice journey...:).
I think most products like permethrin and elector get the live lice or mites, but those need to be used 10 days later to get the newly hatched lice or mites before they can reporduce.

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