
I would agree with no withdraw time. I never used seven on the hens. I am sure there are far worse things that we consume or put on us than eating eggs from chickens who have been dusted with 7. A little off topic,,, I used to be a big user with 7 dust in the garden. I would wait the recommended no harvest days and then eat the veggies. In some cases, there was still powder residue on the veggies when I harvested them. We use to also dust our cows and dogs with 7 and didn't use any withdraw days on the cows.

I am not sure how withdrawing eggs from dusted hens would help since the pens are also sprayed with 7 or permethrin? In my opinion waiting 20 days seems a little much, because the hen could pick up some of that sprayed 7 or permethrin from the coop on day 15 and the owner would never know it. Hope this helps.
Ok so after reading all the links i am to throw away all the eggs for the past 20 days as i am treating my hens with sevin for one hen that had lice. And i have one more treatment 12/29 to do. So a month after my last treatment i can start saving the eggs?

That's misinformation wherever you read that. Technically there's a 7 day withdrawal period after using sevin. We've used sevin dust since the 60's in our vegetable gardens, on dogs, on chickens...and we eat the eggs after using it. I'm still here and typing. Wash off vegetables before consumption.
I'm not slaughtering, just eating eggs.
Thanks for the link, in 2 dustings the one hen has no more lice and has feathers growing in. I'll read that link thanks!!!

Keep in mind that the inside of the hen house has to be dusted as well, to include nests and roosts to kill lice and mites. The easiest way to do this is to put a pile of sevin dust at the entrance. Then hit it full blast with a leaf blower. It'll look like a smoke bomb went off inside their house and I guarantee you the that the dust will get in every crack and crevice. Make sure there arnt any chickens inside their house if you do this. The dust will settle in about 30-40 minutes. Wear a mask and old chicken clothes.

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