

8 Years
Aug 20, 2011
I do believe that my hens have is lice. I first noticed it because the feathers on their rump was fluffy looking. I had one chicken that had a poopy butt. The rooster also looks "fluffy". I checked them and did find eggs so I treated the coop on the 11th. This consisted of clearing the entire coop and spraying it with permethrin and allowing it to air dry while my hens were outside. The nest boxes were treated as well as the roosts. Now on to my question......I have since noticed that some of their legs look a little scaly. I think they may have leg mites but the permethrin should have taken care of that. I sprayed the butts of all of my chickens with Poultry Protector. I plan to clean again this weekend. How long with it be before their feathers are back to normal? Will it be like that until they molt? Have I done the correct cleaning or should I do more? Thanks for your help.
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Not sure how many times I am allowed to bump my own post but here goes again! ANY response will help!
I haven't dealt with this problem yet at I am still kind of new to the chicken world but if you continue to page 4 or so of this emergency page of the forum there is a thread talking about scaley leg which sounds like one of the things you are dealing with. One of their suggestions is to use Nu Stock on their legs ad it got rid of that problem...but there are many more answers than that. 'I'm sorry I can't help you more. Good luck though it sounds like you are on your way to cleaning up the issue.
I had to deal with a lice infestation last year and I used diotemaceous earth or DE. I sprinkled it on their bottoms and retreated 7 days later. I also cleaned the coop out and sprinkled the DE all over the coop. They lost some feathers but not anything like a molt. The feathers grew back pretty quickly. The DE worked great and the gals were lice free within 10-14 days
I have dusted with DE and cleaned the coop. It did not seem to help because my rooster is so fluffy that his "cape" has turned from silver to black. (From the fluffiness the feathers, they are not black because it is bugs) so how long will it take for the feathers to be back to normal again? I will say that I went ahead and treated with noromectin to get rid of this problem and am withholding eggs for one week.

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