Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Luna listened, her heart lightening a bit but still remaining rather dark. She responded “You’re right. Let’s do that.” Her complex thoughts swarmed her like an army invading the enemy’s land, ravaging and pillaging it wherever it went. With a soft sigh, she responded “Sometimes I don’t know if I can. That’s all.” Part of her disliked her for admitting her weaknesses, but she knew she was admitting them to the right person and that she needed to. She had been a caged animal too long, holding her thought hostage within her own body, not letting them release, lest anyone know her weaknesses. But now she had a friend she could trust in Persepolis
Persepolis remarked quietly, careful of her words, "I realize how much you must trust me to talk about these things. I'm honoured to be trusted by you so much." She added, "I don't know what to say right now, because I'm at a loss for words. I just want you to know that I'll always be your best friend and that you can always trust me."
She concluded in a reminiscing tone, "I didn't have all that easy of a childhood either. It was pretty hard for me to even so much as stay alive. One false move and I would have been killed or expelled." She wasn't sure if Luna wanted to hear her talk about her past, so she shut up.
Eva looked back, seeing Lucas approach her. She let her focus return to the canyon. Her hope for something happening between him and her was dwindling, he seemed oblivious. Maybe she was too impatient, she thought. She probably was. But she had never felt so anxious in her life about someone else. She let him approach silently.
Xylo smiled, responding “Me too.” He looked up at the sky to prove his point, before adding “And it shouldn’t rain tomorrow, it should be nice outside.”, referring to the current warmth and lack of clouds.
Lucas stopped beside her, and looked down at her shyly. "Mind if I join you?"
"Yeah, nice weather would be nice." River said. Her eyes turned to the direction of the mansion. "I wonder how the Mansion Aves are holding up against the Hunters..."
Persepolis remarked quietly, careful of her words, "I realize how much you must trust me to talk about these things. I'm honoured to be trusted by you so much." She added, "I don't know what to say right now, because I'm at a loss for words. I just want you to know that I'll always be your best friend and that you can always trust me."
She concluded in a reminiscing tone, "I didn't have all that easy of a childhood either. It was pretty hard for me to even so much as stay alive. One false move and I would have been killed or expelled." She wasn't sure if Luna wanted to hear her talk about her past, so she shut up.
Luna nodded, glad that Persepolis acknowledged her trust. She smiled at Persepolis' words about their friendship, replying in a confidence that matched hers "Same here. You can always trust me and I'll always be here for you." Luna listened to Persepolis talk about her childhood and felt a tension. Maybe she needed to let her emotions spill, speak to someone else about it. With a kind expression, she assured "I'm here to talk about your childhood if you want to." They had no one else to talk to but themselves, and before Luna had had no one, so she valued that friendship and made sure that she was loyal at all times, as if they were family. Perhaps the lack of a childhood family made her like this. And maybe that wasn't bad.
Lucas stopped beside her, and looked down at her shyly. "Mind if I join you?"
"Yeah, nice weather would be nice." River said. Her eyes turned to the direction of the mansion. "I wonder how the Mansion Aves are holding up against the Hunters..."
Eva shook her head in the same shy manner, letting him sit next to her. She assured softly "I'd love for you to join me." The words were true and pure, somewhat betraying her feelings towards him, but she had already let him know so much about how she felt for him indirectly. Why would he notice this time?

Xylo responded simply "they're doing well. It looks like a graveyard in the front. Lots of dead humans. But they'll just be more and more humans that come. It's just fate." He feared the mansion would fall one day.
Sierra, after explaining to Tory what would happen regarding her leaving the mansion and coming to live with Sierra and Casimir, along with forging that hat she wanted, adding a bit of ice to the rim, like she wanted it to have, hugged her and said goodbye. She watched Tory leave as the sun set, enter the mansion, and wave goodbye while she stood at a distance. Sierra prayed she simply survived another night. Casimir and her would build her a house as soon as possible to try to keep her safe. Her mind wandered off to think about Casimir, as she walked back towards the creek, watching her surroundings as to not be surprised by a hunter. Soon, she returned to the rock they had been at before, seeing Casimir there as he had promised.

Casimir was waiting for her by the creek, looking up at the darkening night sky, the stars only just starting to come out. He turned and looked at her over his shoulder as she approached, he had known she was coming, having heard her. His hunter instincts remained sharp and ever present. "How did she take it?" He asked her quietly as she approached.
Casimir was waiting for her by the creek, looking up at the darkening night sky, the stars only just starting to come out. He turned and looked at her over his shoulder as she approached, he had known she was coming, having heard her. His hunter instincts remained sharp and ever present. "How did she take it?" He asked her quietly as she approached.
Sierra responded as she lead him towards the rock, "She took it well. She was very excited, but had many questions. I tried to answer as many as I could, but she went to bed very excited. The nurse is probably confused as to why." She offered a small smile, before asking "Are you ready?", as the clearing appeared in the distance, a circle of rocks with a pit in the middle.
Eva shook her head in the same shy manner, letting him sit next to her. She assured softly "I'd love for you to join me." The words were true and pure, somewhat betraying her feelings towards him, but she had already let him know so much about how she felt for him indirectly. Why would he notice this time?

Xylo responded simply "they're doing well. It looks like a graveyard in the front. Lots of dead humans. But they'll just be more and more humans that come. It's just fate." He feared the mansion would fall one day.
Lucas sat beside her, noting her words. Perhaps River was right and she liked him. "So, what did you do all day? I mean, if you want to say."
River nodded. "It`s good to know that they have been good-ish- at defending themselves. But what about the Aves deaths? I know that one of the smart things they could do is put the human bodies in a graveyard out-front, but get rid of their people`s fallen bodies some other way. Not let the humans or anyone else know how many deaths they had, only how many deaths the humans had, to intimidate them."
Lucas sat beside her, noting her words. Perhaps River was right and she liked him. "So, what did you do all day? I mean, if you want to say."
River nodded. "It`s good to know that they have been good-ish- at defending themselves. But what about the Aves deaths? I know that one of the smart things they could do is put the human bodies in a graveyard out-front, but get rid of their people`s fallen bodies some other way. Not let the humans or anyone else know how many deaths they had, only how many deaths the humans had, to intimidate them."
Eva responded softly "I went on a walk with River and then I cleaned my gun. Nothing much." She looked to him, curious to why he wanted to know, attentive to what he would follow up with. The sun was setting slowly, and it was beautiful to see it out the corner of her eye as she looked at him.
Xylo nodded in agreement, responding "Yep. Right now there's just countless bodies in the front lawn. It's quite the unappealing site." He shook his head in disdain at it, signifying he had seen it himself.
Luna nodded, glad that Persepolis acknowledged her trust. She smiled at Persepolis' words about their friendship, replying in a confidence that matched hers "Same here. You can always trust me and I'll always be here for you." Luna listened to Persepolis talk about her childhood and felt a tension. Maybe she needed to let her emotions spill, speak to someone else about it. With a kind expression, she assured "I'm here to talk about your childhood if you want to." They had no one else to talk to but themselves, and before Luna had had no one, so she valued that friendship and made sure that she was loyal at all times, as if they were family. Perhaps the lack of a childhood family made her like this. And maybe that wasn't bad.
Persepolis took a deep, calm breath. She decided that she would tell Luna about her childhood. "This is hard for me, but I really need to speak about what I experienced growing up in the mansion. It's been constantly battling inside of me, and I want to be able to get it off my chest." She sat down with her knees pulled up to her chest, facing Luna as she spoke, a sign of her complete trust in her. Persepolis only ever let her guard down around those she trusted.
She began telling her story, "First, I need to give a little background about my family's origins. My father is German and my mother is Korean. My father fled Germany in the wake of the second world war. He left by himself, he had nothing when he left and everybody he ever encountered in America was wary of him because of what his country had done during the war. My mother left Korea with her mom during the heart of the Korean war, after the two countries split. Most of her family was locked in North Korea. When my mom was 16, she ran away. She never saw her mother again. My mother was also despised by the Americans because she came from another country that we were at war with. In brief, my family is born of war. Aside from my parents, I had nobody because all of my kin were being held captive or had been killed in battle.
"My parents transformed themselves into Aves because the human society wouldn't accept them. But they didn't have an easy acceptance into the society of the Aves at the mansion, either. When the arrived, they were looked down upon because of both their origins and the fact that they weren't born Aves. They weren't given meals by the others, they had to steal their food which didn't help their reputation. Fast forward a year and I'm born. I inherited the hate and distrust that my parents had. Over the next 4 years, my parents had 3 more children, my brothers. By the time I was 6 they couldn't feed 4 kids anymore. They decided it was better to keep the sons, to carry on their name and because they were stronger. I don't blame them, I was a weak and small child, I never really had much to me.
"And so they abandoned me. No word or anything. In one day I went from being their child to being treated like a stranger, sometimes even a threat to their other children. The other adult Aves in the mansion pounced on my vulnerability. They started chasing me, taunting me, trying to drive me out and forcefully take from me whatever I had. That's why I learned parkour. I had to be able to get away fast and hide because I wasn't big enough to fight.
"I stole food for myself, and every day I risked being caught and killed or expelled. I learned to master my healing ability because when I got hurt nobody would help me. I had to learn every life lesson through trial and error. I had to learn that if I wanted to live I had to do everything myself. I had to learn that I could not rely on anyone but myself. I had a very harsh childhood where everything was learned the hard way and it's made incredibly difficult for me to trust anybody."
She paused, looking Luna in the eyes, "But I trust you. And that is something that will never change."
Eva responded softly "I went on a walk with River and then I cleaned my gun. Nothing much." She looked to him, curious to why he wanted to know, attentive to what he would follow up with. The sun was setting slowly, and it was beautiful to see it out the corner of her eye as she looked at him.
Xylo nodded in agreement, responding "Yep. Right now there's just countless bodies in the front lawn. It's quite the unappealing site." He shook his head in disdain at it, signifying he had seen it himself.
"I didn`t do anything much since you left either, finished skinning the deer, started making a spear." Lucas said. "Oh yeah, and after you got back I talked to River some... She did most of the talking though..."
River nodded. "I wonder how Fola is..." She muttered, not exactly knowing she talked out loud.

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