Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Human form:
Name: Alec
Age: 26
Gender: male
Appearance: wavy short brown hair, dark brown eyes, 5'8", slightly tan skin, tight white t-shirt that shows off his muscles, jeans, boots, a black leather jacket, & a brown leather cuff bracelet on his right hand.
History: when he was sixteen, he witnessed his dad kill his mom and attempt to kill him. Alec was severely injured & had to go to the hospital. The police couldn't find his Dad, so Alec got sent to witness protection where he changed his identity.
Personality: charming, mysterious, smart, not afraid to say things that could upset someone,
Weapon: two pistols, strapped to his belt.
Hunter or to be transformed: hunter
Other: he's fluent in over ten different languages. He only hunts the evil aves, and does weeks worth of research on each of his victims to make sure he doesn't hurt a non-evil aves.
Persepolis woke, and went to stand in front of the small mirror that her and Luna had in their room. Her hair had been put into two tight dutch braids before she went to sleep. She undid these now, unleashing her now wavy hair down her back.
Using the mirror, Persepolis started doing her hair. She pulled back most of her hair, leaving a bit on top of her head. She made several small accent braids and tied them over the rest of her hair on top of her head, creating a neat detailed row of hair.
Next, she made 2 tight dutch braids on either side of her head, braiding the sections all the way down. She used small pieces of twine to tie the braids together after bunching them a little, creating twisting braids that lay behind her shoulders.
She left the rest of her hair behind her head alone. The finally product was a hairstyle like that of a Viking girl. It suited her well. It made her look fierce yet attractive.

Content with how she looked, Persepolis sat crosslegged on her bed, deciding on what to do next.
Luna awoke slowly, looking around the room as if expecting to be scared again. Once she wasn’t, she looked at Persepolis and muttered groggily, “Someone wanted to show off today, huh? You look great Persepolis, Hector’s going to swoon for you.”
Luna awoke slowly, looking around the room as if expecting to be scared again. Once she wasn’t, she looked at Persepolis and muttered groggily, “Someone wanted to show off today, huh? You look great Persepolis, Hector’s going to swoon for you.”
Persepolis shrugged, trying to hide her smile, "Eh, I just wanted to look a little nicer for once, that's all." Persepolis blushed, her nonchalant facade falling at Luna's comment about Hector, "Maybe he will. If he doesn't I won't be upset."
She watched Luna casually, waiting for her to wake up more.
Persepolis shrugged, trying to hide her smile, "Eh, I just wanted to look a little nicer for once, that's all." Persepolis blushed, her nonchalant facade falling at Luna's comment about Hector, "Maybe he will. If he doesn't I won't be upset."
She watched Luna casually, waiting for her to wake up more.
Luna woke up slowly, stretching and complaining playfully "Of course I just woke up and look horrible, and you're here looking like a warrior princes." She chuckled, before standing up and dressing herself with her day clothes. Luna began combing her hair with her small comb, joking "Luckily, there's no guys for me here, so I don't need to show off at all. My hair can stay as boring as it is."
River walked out with a grin. She flapped her wings, inspecting them. "Fly. I would love to get up there in the sky."
Xylo smiled, spreading his and taking off. He waited for her to follow, flapping his wings in place to hover without moving. Once she followed, they took off side by side in the air towards the waterfall. The air flung his hair behind him as they flew, flowing behind him like Aladdin's carpet.
Sierra blushed as their wings touched, clearly anxious to finally get closer with him. She muttered with a flush "You'll get used to it in no time." Her skin tingled as he reached forward to brush against her cheek, before flames erupted in front of her face. She quickly froze the entire tree, extinguishing the fire immediately. She turned back to him with a smile "Guess you found out what your power is. Now you just have to learn how to control it." She reassured him with a kind look everything would be fine, before whispering softly "Then we can get back to what we were about to do, if you want to." She hoped he understood what she was speaking of, it was a clear allusion to the first moment of affection they would share.
(So then since timeskiped where should we have these two? Any ideas? )
Luna woke up slowly, stretching and complaining playfully "Of course I just woke up and look horrible, and you're here looking like a warrior princes." She chuckled, before standing up and dressing herself with her day clothes. Luna began combing her hair with her small comb, joking "Luckily, there's no guys for me here, so I don't need to show off at all. My hair can stay as boring as it is."
Persepolis responded in mock hurt, "I'm not trying to show off, I'm just rockin' what my momma gave." She cracked up and watched Luna comb out her hair. She said aloud, "And your hair isn't boring, I think it looks very nice on you." Persepolis thought Luna looked great, and hoped that someday a nice guy would think that Luna herself was just as great.

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