Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Sierra nodded, eyeing him as he envisioned the place. She fell into a world of dreaming, one where she saw Tory eating by the kitchen, being told bedtime stories next to her bed. One where she and Casimir would work together to protect Tory and what they had built together. That word struck her. She was more used to the word, "Alone", in the snowy world that she lived in. It was beautiful, but it lacked others. No birds chirped in the trees. No flowers grew in the ground. It was just obsolete.
She snapped out of her train of thought, albeit not completely, before saying in a dreamlike fashion, "I think I'll love it here too."
Casimir smiled at her wistful comment. "I hope you do as well. While you get started in here on the rock I will go out and find some good trees for later." He said with a nod and headed outside the cave to work on finding good timber for what they needed.
Luna responded softly, "He seemed really nervous, and was really defensive. At first he seemed really ashamed, but as I asked more questions, he realized I wasn't super blaming or anything. And then he became defensive, to the point where he was almost angry. I simply ended it there." She stopped, before adding with a sense of fear one has when one doesn't know the true feelings of another, "And then he went back into the dark woods." She suggested in disdain, "Maybe Horius is starting to get to the old man, infect him with his ideals."

(She did not just call Stephen an old man XD)
Luna responded softly, "He seemed really nervous, and was really defensive. At first he seemed really ashamed, but as I asked more questions, he realized I wasn't super blaming or anything. And then he became defensive, to the point where he was almost angry. I simply ended it there." She stopped, before adding with a sense of fear one has when one doesn't know the true feelings of another, "And then he went back into the dark woods." She suggested in disdain, "Maybe Horius is starting to get to the old man, infect him with his ideals."
Persepolis nodded, agreeing with Luna, "I've noticed he seems to be getting easier to anger." She laughed, "Did you just call Stephen old? He's only 27; three years older than Hector." Changing the subject, she asked Luna, "How'd your training go yesterday?"
Persepolis nodded, agreeing with Luna, "I've noticed he seems to be getting easier to anger." She laughed, "Did you just call Stephen old? He's only 27; three years older than Hector." Changing the subject, she asked Luna, "How'd your training go yesterday?"
Luna nodded, actual concern in her face, which faded away like the tide at her comment. She responded “Listen, im still tired.”, smiling to show she was joking. She replied to the last question with somewhat of a ambiguous tone, “I learned how to levitate with my eyes open but thats all. I wasnt powerful to control knives at the same time, I need to practice. How’d your training go?”
Casimir smiled at her wistful comment. "I hope you do as well. While you get started in here on the rock I will go out and find some good trees for later." He said with a nod and headed outside the cave to work on finding good timber for what they needed.
Sierra nodded, and began with the escape route, as that was the hardest task. She stood in front of the stone wall, sending ice through the cracks in the wall, shattering it to break both the ice and the rock. She continued the process for about half an hour before she needed a break. Luckily, she was more than three-fourths of the way done.
Luna nodded, actual concern in her face, which faded away like the tide at her comment. She responded “Listen, im still tired.”, smiling to show she was joking. She replied to the last question with somewhat of a ambiguous tone, “I learned how to levitate with my eyes open but thats all. I wasnt powerful to control knives at the same time, I need to practice. How’d your training go?”
Persepolis smiled, "I understand you're still tired. I'm glad you learned to levitate with your eyes open. With practice, you will be able to control knives at the same time."

Persepolis shrugged and smiled, "Where do I start? I trained nearly the entire day yesterday, practising multiple things. First I worked on my ability to escape a pursuer. I succeeded in that, I've improved my skill. Next, I worked on a few parkour moves. Vaulting. I mastered the first vault, a safety vault, just fine." Persepolis' brow furrowed, "But the second vault, the kong vault, I was being stupid. I was way too tired to keep going but I did it anyway. I cleared it the first time, but I miscalculated the second time. I broke my arm." Persepolis' voice lifted to an excited tone at this next piece of information. "Of course, I healed myself. But apparently, I can use energy from other living things like plants to heal. The grass around me seemed to lose energy instead of me. I tested this idea further, and it stands."

Persepolis waited a moment before continuing. She was hesitant to tell Luna one of her biggest mistakes because she had promised her she would be careful and she was afraid Luna would be mad. Persepolis continued cautiously, "I ended my training with working on my climbing skills. I almost died trying, though." Persepolis cringed. She waited for Luna to reply.

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