Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Sierra nodded, and began with the escape route, as that was the hardest task. She stood in front of the stone wall, sending ice through the cracks in the wall, shattering it to break both the ice and the rock. She continued the process for about half an hour before she needed a break. Luckily, she was more than three-fourths of the way done.

Casimir had spotted many good trees that would work as timber and were close enough to make it work. He marked the bark of the trees so he could find them easily again. After a while he found a large boulder and he looked around a few times to insure he was alone. He then extended his hand and tried to produce some flames. He needed to master this new power but he was honestly terrified of it and didn't want anyone to see this weakness. He managed to produce a burst of flame towards the rock but he panicked and closed his hand and backed up. "How on earth do I learn to control this." He muttered to himself.
Persepolis nodded, agreeing, "You're right. We might need these later. And I was just reacting in the heat of the moment," Persepolis added, "God... I'm horrible. I've left that poor man defenceless. Like he hasn't gone through enough already." Persepolis looked at Luna when she asked her those questions. Before Persepolis could even begin to answer, her eyes filled with tears and she blinked rapidly, trying not to cry. "It's not your fault. Trust me. Blame me and not yourself." She swallowed, "I didn't tell you because I didn't know what to do. Here I am with these weapons I hate and hating myself more for taking them. I didn't know how to bring it up without worrying you. Even though it's really not that big of a deal." Persepolis hugged Luna, trying to reassure her, "I promise I wasn't trying to betray you and your trust. I just honestly didn't know what to do." Persepolis choked out, "One more thing I need to tell you. I am self-destructing inside. I don't know what all the factors are, but it's like yesterday just flipped a switch for me or something. I went from being fine to now not being able to trust myself, doubting myself, and fighting myself over every decision I make. I feel like I'm about to fall apart and I don't know what to do." Persepolis asked, "Is there anything else you want to know?"
Luna instantly regretted asking her question. She knew Persepolis wasn’t trying to hide anything from her. She hugged her tightly for a few moments, not knowing quite what to say. She did know, however, that she had to pick her words carefully. She began in a soothing, slow tone “I didn’t doubt you Persepolis. And I don’t blame you either.” She allowed for those words to settle into her friend before continuing, even after some more thought “You simply took them as a reaction. You can’t be blamed for that, in the world we live in. You’re not horrible, so don’t tell yourself that either.” Another pause. Luna waited for every single one of her words to settle in, before continuing “And you can tell anything to me. And know that I trust you in telling anything I feel as well.” After about a minute of silent thinking and Luna hugging Persepolis, she suggested softly “If you want, we could try to find the hunter and return the guns, if that’s something you’d be keen on doing.” Luna pulled away to look her in the eyes, making sure she was ok. She didn’t need to know anything else, other than that her friend would be ok. That’s what came first, and would come first for as long as she was friends with Persepolis, which she hoped would last a lifetime.
Casimir had spotted many good trees that would work as timber and were close enough to make it work. He marked the bark of the trees so he could find them easily again. After a while he found a large boulder and he looked around a few times to insure he was alone. He then extended his hand and tried to produce some flames. He needed to master this new power but he was honestly terrified of it and didn't want anyone to see this weakness. He managed to produce a burst of flame towards the rock but he panicked and closed his hand and backed up. "How on earth do I learn to control this." He muttered to himself.
Sierra panted heavily as she laid against the stone wall of the tunnel she had forged using her ice powers. She was depleted of energy, but was quite pleased with how it had turned out. It was tall enough for Casimir, perhaps one to two feet taller than him, and wide enough for that their wings could fit. Her only complaint was the rough walls, along with the wind that flew into the tunnel. After she caught her breath a few minutes later, along with her energy, she covered the exit with snow and began chiseling the walls, finishing the tunnel entirely, floor, ceiling, and walls about half an hour later. She walked back up the tunnel towards the main cave area, where she intended to chisel the floor some to make it even, along with the walls.
Luna instantly regretted asking her question. She knew Persepolis wasn’t trying to hide anything from her. She hugged her tightly for a few moments, not knowing quite what to say. She did know, however, that she had to pick her words carefully. She began in a soothing, slow tone “I didn’t doubt you Persepolis. And I don’t blame you either.” She allowed for those words to settle into her friend before continuing, even after some more thought “You simply took them as a reaction. You can’t be blamed for that, in the world we live in. You’re not horrible, so don’t tell yourself that either.” Another pause. Luna waited for every single one of her words to settle in, before continuing “And you can tell anything to me. And know that I trust you in telling anything I feel as well.” After about a minute of silent thinking and Luna hugging Persepolis, she suggested softly “If you want, we could try to find the hunter and return the guns, if that’s something you’d be keen on doing.” Luna pulled away to look her in the eyes, making sure she was ok. She didn’t need to know anything else, other than that her friend would be ok. That’s what came first, and would come first for as long as she was friends with Persepolis, which she hoped would last a lifetime.
Persepolis listened closely to Luna:s word, feeling better every time she spoke. She dried her eyes and managed a smile, "Thank you so much. For everything." She said with meaning, "I feel a lot better now, thanks to you." Persepolis paused, thinking. She was considering Luna's question about returning the guns. Persepolis knew it would be kind to return the guns but she also knew it would be dangerous. Finally, she looked Luna in the eyes and spoke, "I want to find the hunter and return one of his guns. He can have one and I'll have one since we both need them. I'm just concerned about the danger of looking for him, since I left him angry." Persepolis asked, seeking Luna's opinion, "What do you think?"
Persepolis listened closely to Luna:s word, feeling better every time she spoke. She dried her eyes and managed a smile, "Thank you so much. For everything." She said with meaning, "I feel a lot better now, thanks to you." Persepolis paused, thinking. She was considering Luna's question about returning the guns. Persepolis knew it would be kind to return the guns but she also knew it would be dangerous. Finally, she looked Luna in the eyes and spoke, "I want to find the hunter and return one of his guns. He can have one and I'll have one since we both need them. I'm just concerned about the danger of looking for him, since I left him angry." Persepolis asked, seeking Luna's opinion, "What do you think?"
Luna was pleased she could help her friend get over what had just happened, and immediately began thinking of her question and how to respond to it. She began slowly, still thinking up a plan, "I was thinking I could go with you, so that's there's two of us. That would deter him from most likely doing anything, and we'd be armed with two guns regardless." Luna realized he could possibly shoot them when they gave the gun back, so she finished the proposed plan by saying "And we give him one of the guns with no ammo, which we then throw on the ground a ways away from him, so that we have time to get away in case he does actually become angry and wants revenge. What do you think?" She looked at Persepolis with inquisitive eyes, curious to see what she thought about the plan.
Luna was pleased she could help her friend get over what had just happened, and immediately began thinking of her question and how to respond to it. She began slowly, still thinking up a plan, "I was thinking I could go with you, so that's there's two of us. That would deter him from most likely doing anything, and we'd be armed with two guns regardless." Luna realized he could possibly shoot them when they gave the gun back, so she finished the proposed plan by saying "And we give him one of the guns with no ammo, which we then throw on the ground a ways away from him, so that we have time to get away in case he does actually become angry and wants revenge. What do you think?" She looked at Persepolis with inquisitive eyes, curious to see what she thought about the plan.
Persepolis nodded, "That sounds like a good plan to me. I don't want to give him a gun with any ammo. He probably has extra ammo anyway, so he can reload it later." Persepolis paused, thinking about things further. She realized that none of the others knew that she has these guns. She wondered what the others would think if they would want to keep the guns or return one of them. Persepolis voiced this concern to Luna, "I'm wondering if maybe both you and I should talk to River and Xylo about this. The reason I think this is because nobody else knows I have these guns. They also don't know who I took them from and what Stephen and Horius did to that man. And they ultimately make the important decisions anyway." Persepolis added one last thing, "And they might have different views about returning the guns." Persepolis stopped talking, waiting for Luna to reply. She really wanted to think everything through before she acted. She was always calculated and she wasn't about to break that important habit.

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