Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Xylo didn’t say it, but when her head rested against his chest, he flexed his muscles, on instinct. It was a sort of primal feature of men, trying to show off to their female counterparts, to show they could survive. When he set her down, he looked around as well, wondering out loud “Hopefully good. I think everyone is here though, so that’s good.”
River glanced around. "Yes, except Lucas." She looked to where she saw Stephen looking out at the stars. "When do you think we should talk to Stephen? Now or tomorrow?"
Persepolis kept dancing, replying simply, "What About Us, by P!nk" She started to softly sing along to the lyrics, "We are problems that want to be solved." she clutched at her heart, portraying an expression of hurt on her face. "We are children that want to be loved" she backed up a few steps, hiding her face in her hands and crouching, acting like a child that was upset, "We were willin', we came when you called." She rushed a few steps forward, miming coming to someone then leaned back taking a few steps away, throwing her hands up to protect her face, acting like she had been pushed away. "But, man, you fooled us, enough is enough." She pretended to come back, pointing at an imaginary person, a look anguish on her face.
Luna sat up, clearly entertained by her dramatization of the pop song. She let the song finish, before she joked "What, did Hector push you away today?" Her expression changed to one more somber, in case of that that was the truth. And if so, Luna would be at her friend's side to console her. While she waited for an answer, Luna fell into a daydream of Alec, of what could happen if she dared to return to him again. Would he object strongly this time? Would he try to kill her? She sensed he was conflicted, but she didn't know how much so.
River glanced around. "Yes, except Lucas." She looked to where she saw Stephen looking out at the stars. "When do you think we should talk to Stephen? Now or tomorrow?"
Xylo sighed, pensive. He finally concluded in a soft whisper, "I suggest tomorrow. If something bad were to happen, we'd rather it happen during the day than when it's dark, I think."
Luna sat up, clearly entertained by her dramatization of the pop song. She let the song finish, before she joked "What, did Hector push you away today?" Her expression changed to one more somber, in case of that that was the truth. And if so, Luna would be at her friend's side to console her. While she waited for an answer, Luna fell into a daydream of Alec, of what could happen if she dared to return to him again. Would he object strongly this time? Would he try to kill her? She sensed he was conflicted, but she didn't know how much so.
Persepolis let out a small and happy laugh, "No. Actually, he did the opposite. He pulled me closer rather than push me away." She smiled, lost in thought, "We had a great time actually. Thank you for talking to him." She added in a teasingly dismissive tone, "Oh, and we kissed." She watched Luna, waiting for her response. Persepolis did notice Luna's expression change and she was glad to have someone who cared so much about her emotional well-being.
Persepolis let out a small and happy laugh, "No. Actually, he did the opposite. He pulled me closer rather than push me away." She smiled, lost in thought, "We had a great time actually. Thank you for talking to him." She added in a teasingly dismissive tone, "Oh, and we kissed." She watched Luna, waiting for her response. Persepolis did notice Luna's expression change and she was glad to have someone who cared so much about her emotional well-being.
Luna was about to respond with a genuine "You're welcome." when she said they had kissed. Hector? Had kissed her? Luna chuckled in disbelief, responding with a slight shake of her head and raise of her eyebrows, "No you didn't. Hector would never have kissed you on the first date, you're joking." She snickered "Good try, you prankster." She didn't believe Persepolis, but she waited for answer curiously. Maybe they had kissed? But there was no way Hector had done that? She must've initiated it at least.
Luna was about to respond with a genuine "You're welcome." when she said they had kissed. Hector? Had kissed her? Luna chuckled in disbelief, responding with a slight shake of her head and raise of her eyebrows, "No you didn't. Hector would never have kissed you on the first date, you're joking." She snickered "Good try, you prankster." She didn't believe Persepolis, but she waited for answer curiously. Maybe they had kissed? But there was no way Hector had done that? She must've initiated it at least.
Persepolis gave a true laugh, responding with a big smile, "Yes we did." She laid behind Luna on her bed, fanning out her hair behind her, propping up a leg and tipping her head towards her before continuing, "We were holding hands in this beautiful clearing where we could see the stars. He had pulled me pretty close to him, close enough to kiss. I actually kissed him first and he kissed me back. So, yes, we kissed. But I initiated it." She raised an eyebrow at Luna in question, "Believe me now?"
River gave a swift nodded. "Good point." She tore her eyes from Stephen and looked to Xylo.
Xylo didn't want to look suspicious in front of Stephen, so he led River upstairs into their room, opening the door for her and closing it once she entered. He asked calmly "Did Lucas tell you where he was going to go?" He used a clam tone so she wouldn't get too worried.
Stephen walked inside & nodded at River and Xylo, before walking up to his room. He pulled out his arrows & started cleaning & sharpening them, returning each one back to his quiver when he was done. He then started to clean his bow, pulling it apart to get all of the dirt from out of the cracks.
Sierra looked up at him, relieved that she didn't have to do the floor, especially since she had already done the walls. She smiled at his praise, before responding shyly "I'll make the air hole next, right? And good job in finding the trees." She looked at him meekly, her wings folded neatly behind her back like two pages of a book, giving him a little smile, joyous to be working alongside him in building something special for Tory.

"Yeah I would make the air vent next just so we can get all that done. Then we can drop those trees and haul them up here to get started on the floor before we rest for the night." He replied as he pulled out some saws and things he had hauled up with him to do just that.

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