Lies Spread Quickly RP

"If my goat has given birth by then, then yes, I will." Yhgiilra agreed. Though she didn't see the point in him wanting milk if he had found food. But oh well, if she'd benefit anyways.
Aphoryllo smiled, ruffled his hair, and asked "I suppose we have a deal then?" He looked at her with hopeful eyes, for a new start. He then asked curiously "Would you happen to be a Navenet, like me?"
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Autumn prowled through the woods. She started at every noise, flinched at every sound. And she was hungry, weak with hunger. Ribs showed through her patchwork pelt.
Autumn whimpered. She hadn't eaten in weeks. She was a whisper of the wolf she once was. She stopped, flashing up a pink tongue to lick her dry nose.
Autumn nosed around in the leaves, smelling something. Her tail weakly began to wag, and she settled down among the leaves to gnaw on some old, yellowed bones of a creature long gone.
She fell asleep with the bones still in her mouth.
(Lol sorry I just started this RP, I've been busy..)
Aphoryllo smiled, ruffled his hair, and asked "I suppose we have a deal then?" He looked at her with hopeful eyes, for a new start. He then asked curiously "Would you happen to be a Navenet, like me?"
Yhgiilra nodded at his first question, and paused at the second one for a few moments.
"And yes, I suppose I do happen to be one." She was quiet for a few moments before tilting her head and asking, "I saw a bird earlier while I was returning to my home. It is rare that I see a singular bird in the sky. Was that by any chance you?"
Autumn prowled through the woods. She started at every noise, flinched at every sound. And she was hungry, weak with hunger. Ribs showed through her patchwork pelt.
Autumn whimpered. She hadn't eaten in weeks. She was a whisper of the wolf she once was. She stopped, flashing up a pink tongue to lick her dry nose.
Autumn nosed around in the leaves, smelling something. Her tail weakly began to wag, and she settled down among the leaves to gnaw on some old, yellowed bones of a creature long gone.
She fell asleep with the bones still in her mouth.
(Lol sorry I just started this RP, I've been busy..)
(That's fine. I have an Ulven she can interact with if you wish...)
(That's fine. I have an Ulven she can interact with if you wish...)

(Yes, please
Yhgiilra nodded at his first question, and paused at the second one for a few moments.
"And yes, I suppose I do happen to be one." She was quiet for a few moments before tilting her head and asking, "I saw a bird earlier while I was returning to my home. It is rare that I see a singular bird in the sky. Was that by any chance you?"
"If the bird was black and fairly large, then the answer is yes." He noted "Never seen another Navenet before, so that's nice. Then again, I've lived in another country most of my life. Sorry to have wasted your time. I'll let you continue on with your life, while I continue with mine. Thank you for your compassion."
Ignacio was on a leisurely walk in human form, on the way back to his cabin miles away from the town. He saw an interesting figure on the ground before him, and stopped. It seemed to be another Ulven

Autumn growled as cramps racked through her body. She quivered with effort, her eyes wild and her muzzle curled. Pain flashed before her, like someone had dug into her belly with a white hot knife.
Then, as quickly as the pain had came, it left, slithered away like a snake from a kill. Autumn was left curled among the leaves, panting with effort. She was tired... Tired...
Suddenly, she raised her head, more alert than she had been in days. Autumn smelled food; the strong scent of it ran through her nose and curled up in her mind. Hunger, and instinct, ruled her. And yes, the scent did have a strange tinge to it, but that was all right. Food was food was food. Autumn got up, shakily, and slowly trotted towards the scent.
​Autumn growled as cramps racked through her body. She quivered with effort, her eyes wild and her muzzle curled. Pain flashed before her, like someone had dug into her belly with a white hot knife.
Then, as quickly as the pain had came, it left, slithered away like a snake from a kill. Autumn was left curled among the leaves, panting with effort. She was tired... Tired...
Suddenly, she raised her head, more alert than she had been in days. Autumn smelled food; the strong scent of it ran through her nose and curled up in her mind. Hunger, and instinct, ruled her. And yes, the scent did have a strange tinge to it, but that was all right. Food was food was food. Autumn got up, shakily, and slowly trotted towards the scent.
Ignacio followed the weak Ulven carefully, feeling bad for the dying creature. Was she hurt, was she dying? He didn't know. He could ask if she wanted some food at his cabin, or he could kill something for her. That's when he stepped on a twig.

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