John and Yolko.. the naked neck pair

Thank you, this is all very helpful. The new and improved coop is just about built which will greatly improve ventilation issues of the past. We will make sure to keep him as dry as possible when the time comes ! 🐓🐔
Venting should be 3/4 to 1 square foot per bird in the eaves of the coop. If your roof is slanted, air tends to enter in the low side going up and out the high side. So it's good to have vents on both the low and high, this will suck up the moisture well and push it all out, keeping the floor relatively quiet air wise. On cold windy nights, I will close off half of my low side since I don't want TOO much air moving around, but I never close off the high side. Enjoy your new coop! :)

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