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Ignacio growled, before saying "Get up. I'm not going to hurt or fight you. I just came to ask if you're ok? You look really tired"

Autumn snarled, but gratefully stood up. "I'm fine," she said tiredly, her tail drooping. She was too weak to kill another Ulven for meat, and wasn't sure if she wanted to. This other wolf could not help her.
Heather howled,"Never!NEVER Agian will I be beaten!I AM HEATHER!"she screeched with pure truth.She sa the rock, the rock she had stood on as a pup with her mother and lept on it.She stood, tall, with the huge moon behind her,"I Am Heather"she whispered.
Winter slowly gets to paws "That would be great, you're very kind." She says still with a slight tremble before she gives him a nervous smile "Thanks for saving me too!"
Simeon nodded, and noted "I've been in your situation." She reminded him of himself just a year back, when he was struggling to survive and still coping with the loss of his parents.

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