Lies Spread Quickly RP

"If the bird was black and fairly large, then the answer is yes." He noted "Never seen another Navenet before, so that's nice. Then again, I've lived in another country most of my life. Sorry to have wasted your time. I'll let you continue on with your life, while I continue with mine. Thank you for your compassion."
Yhgiilra smiled slightly. "You're welcome. Goodbye now, sir. May luck smile upon you." She told him kindly.
Name: Erik Greymane
Age: 61
Gender: male
Species: Ulven
Alignment (Vepsen, neutral, or Ulven?): Neutral
Description: a weather beaten man, still sturdy as an oak tree but starting to show his age. Has shaggy grey hair and a mountain man's face. Skin is like brown leather, hands worn and a little knobby with use. Wolf form is a massive dark grey wolf with a light greyed out muzzle and eyes, eyes are brown.
Personality: gruff, to the point, doesn't talk more than nessesary. Is willing to help those in need but tends to stay away from society. Likes to be alone. He will snap if he gets angry.
History: former alpha, had a fall from grace and doesn't like to talk about it. His pack is dead. He lives alone in the wilderness in his little homestead, occasionally hauling wood into town for sale to get nessesities. He keeps a trio of miniature Jersey, a giant mule, and a few chickens around, they keep him company and keep him fed, and he keeps them alive in the wilderness. He used to be a ruthless monster, but has mellowed with age and wisdom.
Weapons: twin shot double barrel musket, lumberjack ax, pocket knife.
Partner/Relationship?: Widower
​Autumn leaped up onto the table, and devoured the meat, crunching mechanically. Long after it was all gone, she still sat, licking the table clean.
Her stomach sung and screamed at the food. She was happy to have eaten at last, but, though she was still hungry, her stomach protested at eating so much after weeks of near nothing.
She looked back at the human, bowed her head. She really was thankful.
Then, she slowly drifted off to sleep.
Ignacio smiled at her, then sat down on a chair.
Name: Erik Greymane
Age: 61
Gender: male
Species: Ulven
Alignment (Vepsen, neutral, or Ulven?): Neutral
Description: a weather beaten man, still sturdy as an oak tree but starting to show his age. Has shaggy grey hair and a mountain man's face. Skin is like brown leather, hands worn and a little knobby with use. Wolf form is a massive dark grey wolf with a light greyed out muzzle and eyes, eyes are brown.
Personality: gruff, to the point, doesn't talk more than nessesary. Is willing to help those in need but tends to stay away from society. Likes to be alone. He will snap if he gets angry.
History: former alpha, had a fall from grace and doesn't like to talk about it. His pack is dead. He lives alone in the wilderness in his little homestead, occasionally hauling wood into town for sale to get nessesities. He keeps a trio of miniature Jersey, a giant mule, and a few chickens around, they keep him company and keep him fed, and he keeps them alive in the wilderness. He used to be a ruthless monster, but has mellowed with age and wisdom.
Weapons: twin shot double barrel musket, lumberjack ax, pocket knife.
Partner/Relationship?: Widower
(I'm so sorry, Jabba, but I have to quit this RP.Im sorry, I might pick up again sometime, I'm doing one last post.)
Heather climed up into a tree the next morning in her human form.Her jet lack hair was soft and gleaming in the early morning sunlight.She smiled softly.Suddenly, a loud crack and a howl sounded behind her.She screamed, falling and quickly transforming into a wolf in midair, oping to stop her fall but it made it worse.She fell on the ground, and a cracking sound came from her shoulder,"Not good, not good!"she screeched.Unable to get, she felt the ground shake like thunder and heard thundering huge paws slamming on the ground.She looked up weakly, and to her horror there stood a huge male wolf, at least two times bigger then her.Three white paws, one black and his body was black and is chest and mouse was stained with blood.Heather screamed, pleading for mercy, but the wolf didnt listen, he ripped and shredded flesh from her shoulder and swiped her face, making her bleed.Heather wanted to get up, to run, but she couldn't breath or move.His front paws were on her ribs, and her shoulder was screaming in pure shock and pain."Le me go!Le me go!Please, please, show some mercy I'm sorry!"she howled.By now, her shoulder was broken and her hole body was stained red, no longer black.Themale took another swipe to her head.He then chuckled darkly."Good bye Heather"he snarled."IM SORRY!"Heathers last words were cut of as pain seered Ito her body as blood poured from her throat when he bit her, he bit her, over and over.Heather was weak,"IM So Sorry"she chocked.The last thing she saw was pooling blood and she stopped breathing, Heather was dead.
Greymane trudged out to milk the cows, check the calves and chickens, the hook up the mule so they could get to working for the day. He paused a moment to take in the mountain air. His homestead was away from town, nice and quiet. The mule flicked his ears as Greymane hooked up the harness.
Ignacio smiled at her, then sat down on a chair.

Autumn cried out in her sleep, switching painfully from girl to wolf to girl again.
When she at last awoke, she was human.
She blinked around blearily, used to seeing the small hut through a wolf's eyes. Then, she looked at the man. "You watched me Change?" she said. For some, Changing was a private affair; Autumn was one such believer.
​Autumn cried out in her sleep, switching painfully from girl to wolf to girl again.
When she at last awoke, she was human.
She blinked around blearily, used to seeing the small hut through a wolf's eyes. Then, she looked at the man. "You watched me Change?" she said. For some, Changing was a private affair; Autumn was one such believer.
Ignacio, nodded, unsure of what the big deal was. He asked curiously "Why? Shouldn't I have?"

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