Lies Spread Quickly RP

Tess shrugged. "I don't mind," she told him. She scraped her chair out from under the table. "May I be excused?"

" Yeah, you should rest. Th' featherbed ain't been touched up there in a long while, so they might need airin' but nothing a little shaking can't help. You can help me out in the fields with planting them seed potatoes an onion sets tomorrow." Greymane finished his apple crisp, then started to clear the table.
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" Yeah, you should rest. Th' featherbed ain't been touched up there in a long while, so they might need airin' but nothing a little shaking can't help. You can help me out in the fields with planting them seed potatoes an onion sets tomorrow." Greymane finished his apple crisp, then started to clear the table.

Tess tossed a thank you over her shoulder, before retreating up to the loft. There, with a full belly and a full heart, she fell asleep perform she hit the bed.
Tess tossed a thank you over her shoulder, before retreating up to the loft. There, with a full belly and a full heart, she fell asleep perform she hit the bed.

Greymane finished tidying up the kitchen and put everything away before settling on an old mission style rocker near the rough stone fireplace, relaxing with a tobacco pipe before bed. The smoke encircled his head like a wreath, and he rocked slowly, thoughtfully, watching the fire burn down. He thought about his dear children and his mate and how much he missed them. He thought about the opportunity to help a wayward Ulven who seemed to have nowhere to go. If she worked hard and seemed willing, he was considering offering her a permanent place to live. Greymane knew there was no way to fix the past, but he had strived to embrace this simple life. He would be better this time. His eyes reflected the embers eerily. When he had finished his smoke, he tapped the pipe into the fireplace and readied himself for bed, then slipped under the covers, his mind swimming.
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Greymane finished tidying up the kitchen and put everything away before settling on an old mission style rocker near the rough stone fireplace, relaxing with a tobacco pipe before bed. The smoke encircled his head like a wreath, and he rocked slowly, thoughtfully, watching the fire burn down. He thought about his dear children and his mate and how much he missed them. He thought about the opportunity to help a wayward Ulven who seemed to have nowhere to go. If she worked hard and seemed willing, he was considering offering her a permanent place to live. Greymane knew there was no way to fix the past, but he had strived to embrace this simple life. He would be better this time. His eyes reflected the embers eerily. When he had finished his smoke, he tapped the pipe into the fireplace and readied himself for bed, then slipped under the covers, his mind swimming.

Tess awoke as a wolf. The covers and blankets had been thrown to the floor, most likely because of her Changing from girl to wolf, which was never a pleasant exchange, and always left her squirming and flailing.

As she looked blearily around, she realized that sharp shards of colored glass littered the floor. She looked closer. Suddenly, she knew what the glass was from: A glass figurine that had rested prettily on the bedside table last night. Now, it was broken, shattered on the floor. A jolt of alarm shot through her. She had probably knocked it down in her sleep, while Shifting.

Tess whined, and leaped gingerly down from the bed. She snuffled at the glass shards, sneezed. Then she growled. She already owed this man, for his kindness, food, and shelter. But to add a broken heirloom in the mix was too much. She knew it had been old, expensive. And she had broken it.

Tess growled, which morphed into a sharp whine as she stepped on a glass shard. She licked at her paw pad, careful not to tread on anymore glass, and leaped down from the loft.
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​Tess awoke as a wolf. The covers and blankets had been thrown to the floor, most likely because of her Changing from girl to wolf, which was never a pleasant exchange, and always left her squirming and flailing.

As she looked blearily around, she realized that sharp shards of colored glass littered the floor. She looked closer. Suddenly, she knew what the glass was from: A glass figurine that had rested prettily on the bedside table last night. Now, it was broken, shattered on the floor. A jolt of alarm shot through her. She had probably knocked it down in her sleep, while Shifting.

Tess whined, and leaped gingerly down from the bed. She snuffled at the glass shards, sneezed. Then she growled. She already owed this man, for his kindness, food, and shelter. But to add a broken heirloom in the mix was too much. She knew it had been old, expensive. And she had broken it.

Tess growled, which morphed into a sharp whine as she stepped on a glass shard. She licked at her paw pad, careful not to tread on anymore glass, and leaped down from the loft.

Greymane stirred under the covers as dawn broke. He could hear a commotion up in the loft, then heard her cry as she stepped on the glass. He stepped out of bed, scratching under his chin, stretching and yawning. He noticed a little blood on the floor and that the girl was now a she wolf. She had apparently cut her paw, but seemed reluctant about it. " Well, come over here and let me take a look at it," he said.
(Hey, I just found this! Any way, while you tell Cluck, that you could give me a brief summary so far and PERHAPS I could join?!?!?! This sounds so cool, Ecott!!!!!)
( the first post is the most important, nothing ground shaking has happened, just Individual stories. My character, Greymane, an Ulven widower, has patiently taken in a young Ulven orphan, and we are going from there. The overarching storyline is presented in the first post, along with the three races and factions.)
( the first post is the most important, nothing ground shaking has happened, just Individual stories. My character, Greymane, an Ulven widower, has patiently taken in a young Ulven orphan, and we are going from there. The overarching storyline is presented in the first post, along with the three races and factions.)

(Okay- thanks so much! Do you think EcottSam would mind if I made a character right now?)

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