Lies Spread Quickly RP

Tess watched as Greymane jumped at the elk. She too leaped for the animal, and together, they brought it down. Panting, Tess laid down next to the elk, to rest her legs. She yipped happily at Greymane. 

Greymane glanced around out of habit to be sure no others were there to steal their kill. He yipped back in return, pleased at a successful hunt. As he started to dig in, he felt like he might be forgetting something, but since he was working over the elk, he was too distracted to dwell on it.
Aphoryllo said "I'm Aphoryllo. I'll see you tonight." With a satisfied grin, he transformed and took off.
Ashanti nodded with a rather snooty look and continued walking around, wondering what would be discussed in the meet-up at the bar.
When she discovered that none of the houses had any really valued possessions, she decided to retire to her home until it was nighttime. She preferred to be in her human form, since she thought that form was the more attractive one, and for some reason that was just another status she wanted to always accomplish during these times, so she didn't transform despite the fact it would be easier for herself. It was a rather narcissistic desire for her.
Greymane glanced around out of habit to be sure no others were there to steal their kill. He yipped back in return, pleased at a successful hunt. As he started to dig in, he felt like he might be forgetting something, but since he was working over the elk, he was too distracted to dwell on it.

Tess was quick to follow Greymane's example, tucking into the elk over neatly folded paws. When she was finished, her belly was warm and full. Slowly, she got up and stretched, and looked inquisitively at Greymane.
Tess was quick to follow Greymane's example, tucking into the elk over neatly folded paws. When she was finished, her belly was warm and full. Slowly, she got up and stretched, and looked inquisitively at Greymane. 
Greymane was quite full. It was just past midday, and he was feeling like napping. He looked over at Tess's attentive form, then flopped over for just a moment of rest. Something was tugging at the corner of his canine mind.
He remembered. The farm! He got up, rather sheepishly, and walked up to Tess, then looked back towards the farm. He started walking back to the field. At least they wouldn't need to break for lunch, but a nap sure would be nice, he thought.
Greymane was quite full. It was just past midday, and he was feeling like napping. He looked over at Tess's attentive form, then flopped over for just a moment of rest. Something was tugging at the corner of his canine mind.
He remembered. The farm! He got up, rather sheepishly, and walked up to Tess, then looked back towards the farm. He started walking back to the field. At least they wouldn't need to break for lunch, but a nap sure would be nice, he thought.

Tess followed Greymane's lead, blissfully content after her warm meal.
Tess followed Greymane's lead, blissfully content after her warm meal. 

Greymane padded over to the planting site. He was a little embarrassed at letting his instincts take over. He berated himself, whimpering a little. He went down by the creek, flopping down in the shade to avoid the sun.
Greymane padded over to the planting site. He was a little embarrassed at letting his instincts take over. He berated himself, whimpering a little. He went down by the creek, flopping down in the shade to avoid the sun.

Tess followed Greymane cautiously, confused at why he was whimpering. She stood in front of him, pointedly tipping her head to one side. What was wrong? The seeds could wait, couldn't they?
Tess followed Greymane cautiously, confused at why he was whimpering. She stood in front of him, pointedly tipping her head to one side. What was wrong? The seeds could wait, couldn't they? 
Greymane sighed, licking his paws absent mindedly. He agreed that there would be later, and that he was way too stuffed to do much more moving about for the next hour or so. He yawned. Just a moment wouldn't hurt an old guy, a moment to close his eyes and sleep off a full meal. He stretched out lazily on the soft cool grass. The water tinkled merrily down the stream. He looked back at Tess, groaning an "alright, you win," as he leaned over onto his side. He lay there, listening to the world go by in the lazy afternoon.
Tess followed Greymane cautiously, confused at why he was whimpering. She stood in front of him, pointedly tipping her head to one side. What was wrong? The seeds could wait, couldn't they? 
Greymane sighed, licking his paws absent mindedly. He agreed that there would be later, and that he was way too stuffed to do much more moving about for the next hour or so. He yawned. Just a moment wouldn't hurt an old guy, a moment to close his eyes and sleep off a full meal. He stretched out lazily on the soft cool grass. The water tinkled merrily down the stream. He looked back at Tess, groaning an "alright, you win," as he leaned over onto his side. He lay there, listening to the world go by in the lazy afternoon.

~Ash darted through the woods, intent on following a tantalizing scent trail. Her powerful legs carried her through a lowlands within the woods that stretched out as multiple creeks. She came to the edge of the woods, feathered tail streaming out behind her in a proud arch. She lifted her muzzle high and inhaled the air, probing it as a forest ridden with prey just out of reach, searching for the two distinct wolf scents she had been trailing.~

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