Lies Spread Quickly RP

Greymane sighed, licking his paws absent mindedly. He agreed that there would be later, and that he was way too stuffed to do much more moving about for the next hour or so. He yawned. Just a moment wouldn't hurt an old guy, a moment to close his eyes and sleep off a full meal. He stretched out lazily on the soft cool grass. The water tinkled merrily down the stream. He looked back at Tess, groaning an "alright, you win," as he leaned over onto his side. He lay there, listening to the world go by in the lazy afternoon.

Tess let out a doggy grin as Greymane laid down. She plopped down next to him, occasionally flicking a lazy ear at a fly. Life in the streets seemed so far away now - but she didn't want to be a burden. And besides, she could look after herself just fine on her own. She didn't need some old wolf to help her.
It was just nice to have a full belly, that was all.
(Yeah. I think the two can be paired and sent on a misssion to go kill like Greymane or something.)
(Very professional. XD)

Once night arrived, Ashanti left her home and walked along the loose gravel roads, heading in the direction to the bar that what's-his-name told her to go to. She lazily looked at the night sky as she walked, given the fact that she had memorized this direction and could then be distracted as her feet led her.
(Very professional. XD)

Once night arrived, Ashanti left her home and walked along the loose gravel roads, heading in the direction to the bar that what's-his-name told her to go to. She lazily looked at the night sky as she walked, given the fact that she had memorized this direction and could then be distracted as her feet led her.
Aphoryllo and thirty other individuals sat by candlelight in the back of the tavern. Three Vepsen leaders were standing, ready to declare their speech. The rest of the congregation sat on Woden chairs and stools around the room, the door still open for other people.
Aphoryllo and thirty other individuals sat by candlelight in the back of the tavern. Three Vepsen leaders were standing, ready to declare their speech. The rest of the congregation sat on Woden chairs and stools around the room, the door still open for other people.
Ashanti arrived at the tavern and walked in, looking around just to make sure that this little meeting hadn't been sabotaged yet. Not seeing any blood or hearing much of anything, she calmly walked over to the back where there was a large group of people waiting. She gave a halfhearted, small smile that wasn't very convincing before she found a place to sit in silence.
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Ashanti arrived at the tavern and walked in, looking around just to make sure that this little meeting hadn't been sabotaged yet. Not seeing any blood or hearing much of anything, she calmly walked over to the back where there was a large group of people waiting. She gave a halfhearted, small smile that wasn't very convincing before she found a place to sit in silence.
Aphoryllo noticed her, and nodded her way. He turned his attention as the speakers began talking. The first speaker, a man in his forties, began by clearing his throat. "Townspeople, we are all here to discuss the upcoming violence from the abominations that most of us call Ulven. It has come to the Vepsen's attention that we must unfortunately send out patrols to quiet the individual Ulven. It is not ideal, but the Ulven give us no choice. We will split you into patrols that will go on watches. The people that do not want to partake in this should stand now, so that we may have a good idea of who we have at the common people's disposal."

Aphoryllo kept seated.
Tess let out a doggy grin as Greymane laid down. She plopped down next to him, occasionally flicking a lazy ear at a fly. Life in the streets seemed so far away now - but she didn't want to be a burden. And besides, she could look after herself just fine on her own. She didn't need some old wolf to help her.
It was just nice to have a full belly, that was all.  

After a good nap during the hottest part of the day, Greymane awoke. He casually stretched, yawned, and shook his ears, then sat up to get a good scratch in before standing. It felt very refreshing, a lazy afternoon after a good hunt.
Aphoryllo noticed her, and nodded her way. He turned his attention as the speakers began talking. The first speaker, a man in his forties, began by clearing his throat. "Townspeople, we are all here to discuss the upcoming violence from the abominations that most of us call Ulven. It has come to the Vepsen's attention that we must unfortunately send out patrols to quiet the individual Ulven. It is not ideal, but the Ulven give us no choice. We will split you into patrols that will go on watches. The people that do not want to partake in this should stand now, so that we may have a good idea of who we have at the common people's disposal."

Aphoryllo kept seated.
Ashanti thought about this man's words, and decided that it could benefit her in the end, so she did not stand and subtly watched as a few men and women slowly stood. She didn't mind a little blood in her life, since you usually had to do that to succeed. She didn't want to show anybody she was a softy, either.
Ashanti stayed put and rested her chin on her knuckle as she watched the speaker.
Ashanti thought about this man's words, and decided that it could benefit her in the end, so she did not stand and subtly watched as a few men and women slowly stood. She didn't mind a little blood in her life, since you usually had to do that to succeed. She didn't want to show anybody she was a softy, either. 
Ashanti stayed put and rested her chin on her knuckle as she watched the speaker.
The speaker then asked hopefully "Any friendly Navenets that help the commoner avaibable."

Aphoryllo stood up confidently, a bit proudly.
The speaker then asked hopefully "Any friendly Navenets that help the commoner avaibable."

Aphoryllo stood up confidently, a bit proudly.
Ashanti stood. She did not appear proud or excited, but had a look of confidence and self-importance. Her hands were laid at her hips as she waited for what would be the follow up of the question.

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