Lies Spread Quickly RP

Ashanti stood. She did not appear proud or excited, but had a look of confidence and self-importance. Her hands were laid at her hips as she waited for what would be the follow up of the question.
Four others stood. The man nodded, and suggested "You six will be split into pairs of three." He nodded, happy with his decision, and added, "Your efforts will be rewarded with salary." He instantly pointed at the first two, and bid the leave with another Vepsen, and did the same with the second two. That left Aphoryllo and Ashanti. They were told to follow another Vepsen, into a private room for further instructions.

Aphoryllo followed the Vepsen with a serious look on his face, and made sure his dagger was where he always kept it.
Four others stood. The man nodded, and suggested "You six will be split into pairs of three." He nodded, happy with his decision, and added, "Your efforts will be rewarded with salary." He instantly pointed at the first two, and bid the leave with another Vepsen, and did the same with the second two. That left Aphoryllo and Ashanti. They were told to follow another Vepsen, into a private room for further instructions.

Aphoryllo followed the Vepsen with a serious look on his face, and made sure his dagger was where he always kept it.
Ashanti almost dared to let her face light up at the thought of a salary. How much? What could she trade it for? Her mind was racing, but she followed the Vepsen in a collected and sophisticated manner.
She hoped that this wouldn't be too difficult, since she just didn't really enjoy too much work. But hey, at least there would be a reward, right?
Ashanti almost dared to let her face light up at the thought of a salary. How much? What could she trade it for? Her mind was racing, but she followed the Vepsen in a collected and sophisticated manner.
She hoped that this wouldn't be too difficult, since she just didn't really enjoy too much work. But hey, at least there would be a reward, right?
The man sat down with the two and whispered "Your job is easy. Quit your current jobs, and simply kill all Ulven in sight. Your salary: 1000 Quiditch for each kill. For both of you."

Aphoryllo's eyes lit up. He had no real occupation other than stealing, and now he would get paid for killing. He stated quickly before the man could change his mind on the fruitful offer.
The man sat down with the two and whispered "Your job is easy. Quit your current jobs, and simply kill all Ulven in sight. Your salary: 1000 Quiditch for each kill. For both of you."

Aphoryllo's eyes lit up. He had no real occupation other than stealing, and now he would get paid for killing. He stated quickly before the man could change his mind on the fruitful offer.
(Quiditch? Has somebody been watching Harry Potter lately?)

Ashanti couldn't help it, a small smile appeared on her face. That was a very attractive offer, and she was definitely willing to accept it.
Given the fact that her only ''job'' was bribing and doing favors, she was glad she had no other job to worry about quitting. This was going to be simple.
"I'll do it, definitely. And I'll do it well. Besides, I have no current job to worry about." Ashanti stated with confidence.
(Quiditch? Has somebody been watching Harry Potter lately?)

Ashanti couldn't help it, a small smile appeared on her face. That was a very attractive offer, and she was definitely willing to accept it.
Given the fact that her only ''job'' was bribing and doing favors, she was glad she had no other job to worry about quitting. This was going to be simple.
"I'll do it, definitely. And I'll do it well. Besides, I have no current job to worry about." Ashanti stated with confidence.
(Nope, hate HArry Potter. Chose a random word.) Aphoryllo grinned as he looked down at the table. Of all the people he could've been paired with, it was her. He was about to stand up, when the man said "This is the first target. Old wolf. He needs to go, he's killed many of us. Name's Greymane."
(Nope, hate HArry Potter. Chose a random word.) Aphoryllo grinned as he looked down at the table. Of all the people he could've been paired with, it was her. He was about to stand up, when the man said "This is the first target. Old wolf. He needs to go, he's killed many of us. Name's Greymane."
Ashanti nodded at the information he gave to them, and was going to ask if this man knew anything about this wolf's location, but she decided that she wasn't going to risk this job and knew that with this wolf's name, she could manage to track him down.
"Is that all?" She asked in her classic polite tone that wasn't like her at all.
Ashanti nodded at the information he gave to them, and was going to ask if this man knew anything about this wolf's location, but she decided that she wasn't going to risk this job and knew that with this wolf's name, she could manage to track him down.
"Is that all?" She asked in her classic polite tone that wasn't like her at all.
The man nodded.

Aphoryllo stood up and headed out for the main area of the tavern for a drink, hoping Ashanti would follow, so he could invite her to something.
(I really have to get more active on here....)
~Ash observed the two wolves which inhabited the shadowed valley from her lofty, obscured perch atop the incline that sloped upward from the valley. She lifted her muzzle and scented the air, trying to decipher hidden factors about them that couldn't be seen.
One thing for sure: they had just eaten. A lot.
Ash's mouth watered. How come they couldn't have been hunting on my territory so that I could've chased them off and eaten their prey? Ash wanted to claw her own muzzle off at this knavish thought. What are you- some dishonest coyote?!?
She kept drawing the air through her nostrils steadily, trying to ignore the tantalizing blood of elk that lingered on the wind. Larger one is male, but old. Seems to hold himself in a lofty esteem above the female- former leader of some sort? And the she-wolf is young and obviously not his mate. Friends, perhaps?~
The man nodded.

Aphoryllo stood up and headed out for the main area of the tavern for a drink, hoping Ashanti would follow, so he could invite her to something.
Ashanti thought that speaking with Aphoryllo was pretty important, since they had been paired up to kill somebody, so she followed him. She walked beside him casually with a slight smirk on her face just because she was pleased with the offer the man had given to her.
"So, guess we're murdering partners." She told him quietly with humor, "Have any plans yet about how we're going to get this done?"
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Ashanti thought that speaking with Aphoryllo was pretty important, since they had been paired up to kill somebody, so she followed him. She walked beside him casually with a slight smirk on her face just because she was pleased with the offer the man had given to her.
"So, guess we're murdering partners." She told him quietly with humor, "Have any plans yet about how we're going to get this done?"
Aphoryllo chuckled, and replied "I guess we are." He asked "Want something to drink?" He thought about her question, and replied "Well, we're half-bird, so we can patrol the forest from above, locate the old mutt, and kill him in his sleep." He made sure to keep his voice low, not that it really mattered, because most people were Vepsen supporters, but just in case. "Or would you have a better plan? I'm happy with whatever as long as I keep this hefty salary."

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