Lifespans and egg laying

Hi everyone! This may be on the website somewhere but I am wondering about lifespans for chicken breeds and length of time that certain breeds typically lay eggs for. I have a RSL, 2 BO, and 2 EE that are all 3.5 years old. They have not had any eggs in months now. Are their reproductive years over already? Even in the winter, we would typically get 1-2 eggs per week. Nothing now. Thank you!
Maybe there's a new stress to ur flock. Any new dogs, kids, or neighbors?
Not that I can think of. Just winter stuff really- snow on ground, less exercise, dark and cold days. We did have some rats in the run (not the coop) but I think we eliminated them. Does any of that sound stressful enough to change their egg laying?
Rats will eat eggs. However, I think the larger issue is that it is winter. With rare exception, hens over a year old do not lay in the winter months. They molt in the fall, and then will then cease laying eggs until -- at the earliest -- late January or early February. Older hens, and I put hens in the 3.5 year range in that category, may not start laying until March or April. And egg production will be decreased from earlier years.

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