Light Brahma age?


Apr 28, 2018
New Jersey
Hey everyone! I picked up a single supposed full size white Brahma chick the other day. Long story behind that, anyway the lady I got her from said she’s about 7 weeks, but she’s much smaller than my 5 week old EE. Was wondering your thoughts.
Brahma.. being a larger breed can have a slower growth and maturity rate than some others. Also individual genetics will vary and you can see these anomalies even among the same breed from the same parents.

Also feed and temperature can play a role in how much energy is used for growing...

I agree that's a stark difference in sizes. Maybe age is inaccurate or bantam is another possibility.

As long as behavior is normal I would not be alarmed. That chicks feathers look like heck... was it being raised by a broody or in crowded conditions? Have you checked it for parasites? It could be caused if they were using too low of protein feed since feathers are made from 90% protein and its' amino acids. So many possibilities!

Are you using a starter or flock raiser feed with not less that 20% protein? Are you offering any treats or supplements?

Anyways, pretty babies! Rest well. :cool:
Brahma.. being a larger breed can have a slower growth and maturity rate than some others. Also individual genetics will vary and you can see these anomalies even among the same breed from the same parents.

Also feed and temperature can play a role in how much energy is used for growing...

I agree that's a stark difference in sizes. Maybe age is inaccurate or bantam is another possibility.

As long as behavior is normal I would not be alarmed. That chicks feathers look like heck... was it being raised by a broody or in crowded conditions? Have you checked it for parasites? It could be caused if they were using too low of protein feed since feathers are made from 90% protein and its' amino acids. So many possibilities!

Are you using a starter or flock raiser feed with not less that 20% protein? Are you offering any treats or supplements?

Anyways, pretty babies! Rest well. :cool:
I just got her, i didn’t get to see living conditions unfortunately, and I don’t know what she was being fed.
That’s what I thought, so I specifically asked her and she said full size?

I'm betting that's a bantam. Large breed Brahma chicks this age look much different. Taller, large heads, patchy feathering. Keep us updated in coming weeks as she grows. Can you get close pic of the comb? It almost looks like a single comb rather than a pea.
I'm betting that's a bantam. Large breed Brahma chicks this age look much different. Taller, large heads, patchy feathering. Keep us updated in coming weeks as she grows. Can you get close pic of the comb? It almost looks like a single comb rather than a pea.
I was thinking the same thing! I will get one and post it!

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