Light Brahma Egg Size

I was hoping that we would have more than 1 laying- Clearly, our hens are different ages, maybe 2 weeks from the oldest to the youngest (just guessing).

3 of them "look" old enough to be laying, but so far, we have not found more than 1 egg per day, so I can't be positive we have more than 1 laying yet........

Thanks for the reply.
I have a lavender orpington that is one year old and is now finally laying large size eggs. Not until after the winter and one year of living did she submit that egg and she is a lovely large bird just like the brahmas. Her eggs were small to medium for a long long time so don't rush it. I fed her nothing but organic scratch and 16 % org. layer mash, free range and compost pile.
this spring I am eagerly awaiting the new chicks to grow and one is a light brahma. enjoy your chickens
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My Brahma is the family pet. She jumps coop and forages in the yard with our pit bull like buddies. She lays one egg a day and they are tiny! My kids fight to get her egg first because they think it's cute.
This is our "2nd go round" on raising chickens. Learning the "hard way", we bought both sets at TS...... First time, we got 3 Leghorns, 2 Golden Comets and 1 Rhode Island Red. These were free ranged, and did very well laying eggs, with the Leghorns being far and beyond the best (both quality and quantity). Through attrition: hawk attack, possum attack, car attack, etc, we were down to 1 Leghorn and decided to get 6 more.

Of course, the TS guy couldn't tell us anything about our chicks, and we took what was available. Wife wanted Plymouth Rocks, but after much inspection and web searches, we found out that we had all Light Brahmas. No biggie. One of the hens liked to crow alot, and especially around 5am every morning, so we ate "her"...... ;-)

Just getting to the point now of having them lay eggs. So far, I think only 1 hen is laying, but, sheesh, the eggs are small....... I mean, golf ball small. Is this normal for such a big chicken? Or will size come as she gets older? It's going to take 15 of these things to make 1 omelet........

Here is a picture of the eggs laid by our sole surviving leghorn, and then the little eggs from the Light Brahma.

my light brahma just laid first egg for me today. its about the same size as the silkies. I think they get bigger.
I have 3 Brahmas and a Leghorn. The Leghorn lays a larger egg but not by much. (My girls are just over 1 year old). My Brahmas lay a more rounded egg than the Leghorn and I get about 3-4 per week from them where I get 6-7 a week from the Leghorn. None of my Brahmas have gone broody but my Leghorn did, hatched out 6 chicks (1 died within hours of hatching) and is an awesome mother even though she is the smallest chicken in my flock.
Any eggs yet? I guess brahmas lay a medium egg. And thats about what I'd say I get from mine. Maybe it's a tad shy of medium but she's only 4 months. Didn't expect eggs at all yet.
No eggs yet. They are looking pale. I love the way they run around with their feet feathers sticking out. They are more agile and flighty than I expected. Its nice to see some white hens in the yard. (I have BCM and a few blue EE)

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