light brahma, male or female?

but it's from a hatchery, can that happen? and we have a dark also, who's about 6 or 7 months old. when i saw the chicks, i thought "they look like dark brahmas, but lighter?" and the owner of the feed supply said they were light brahmas. i'm so confused, but a dark/light mix sound pretty right to me at this point.. thank you for your help :)
Okay so here is what i was told about mine i was kind of upset at how it was worded but we have what appears to be poor hatchery quality light brahma's oh well loved mine anyway until he turned into a roo and had to find him a new home
I think your chick is a cross as there are very scanty and small leg feathers on the chick (All Brahma crosses have leg feathers).

A pure bred Brahma chick has heavy leg and foot feathering as shown in Gritsar's photographs.

Maybe ask the breeder what other chickens he keeps (though there may be many types)

i really don't care so much about the quality of the breed, because i'm not very interested in breeding. they're just our pets :) but i really would like a little girl... grr. i'm praying for a hen until it crows!! haha
Yea i didn't care about quality so much either just that it made them a little more difficult to determine their color. Hatcheries sell alot of so so quality chicks doesn't mean you love em any less. My brahma roo took forever to look like a boy at 6 months he barely looked rooey so they take a while to fill out. Great breed though if you can keep roosters highly recommend them i just got a week old Large Frame Buff Brahma today yay!!!!!!!
yeah, we have a dark brahma roo, and he definitely was slow to mature...
he's absolutely wonderful, but a little on the creepy/weird side. we love him to death. :)

they're a great breed.
mine was sort of strange too lol he loved to talk away he'd stand on top of the nest boxes and look out the coop window and when he heard anyone he'd talk he looked like a mini trex running around the yard...

Here is my ugly boy Goose...I was trying to take pictures of the girls but he felt left out and wanted his photo taken
HAHAHA oh my, he's so charming! and yeah, their boots make them look like dinosaurs, lol. they're so cute. :)

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