Light Brahma roo question


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2023
Hi all! Would a light Brahma roo have definite saddle and hackle feathers by 16 weeks old? I still have this 1 (out of 6) that should be a pullet (& probably is) but is bigger then the rest, walks more upright, the others show they are it’s boss & is much more inquisitive, Idk if that’s a roo thing 🤣, but always 1st to check things out if that makes sense). It’s the only 1 that has the top tail feathers that curve downward as well. Late bloomer? Pullet that’s grown faster?
The last pic shows the difference is size from another.


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Thank you for your reply! Idk if the things I mentioned are even normal roo things. This 1 is just the odd ball from the other 5. Got me curious. LoL
Thank you for your reply!
You're welcome!
Idk if the things I mentioned are even normal roo things. This 1 is just the odd ball from the other 5. Got me curious. LoL
Behavior is not a reliable way to sex.
But she may be at the top of the pecking order, that could be a reason for her behavior.
Females can get those wonky tail feathers sometimes. She's just a quicker developer who happens to be larger than most, in my opinion. Small combs/wattles and lack of male specific feathering on the shoulders and saddle area say female to me, too. She's a very nice light Brahma.
Thanks everyone for your replies! I appreciate it so much! I’m done driving myself nuts about her 😂🤣

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