Light Brahma x Large Fowl Cornish chicks maybe in the future???


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 10, 2012
Hope its okay that I post this in here? I tried breeders forum and no answer so I thought I would try here.. I have two large fowl Cornish hens and I was thinking about breeding them with my Light Brahma rooster. If successful would the chick be too heavy as it got older?? Was wondering if I did cross them ?? Thank you :)
Since you are posting in meat birds, they won't get too heavy when they get older because you are going to eat them before then.

I haven't done the cross, but a lot of people in the meat bird section are trying to breed a heavy table bird, so maybe someone will be along that has done the cross.
Too heavy for what? What are you looking for out of this cross? Are you trying to produce a large carcase meat bird?

I don't think you would have the problem of broken legs that the Cornish Cross chicks can develop from growing too fast. If that is what you are worried about.
Yeah that's what I'm aiming for if I get any roosters will they be large meat birds cause of the light brahma. The rooster I have now his dad weighed 13 pounds he was huge and that's what I like about the light brahmas. But if I get any hens from this cross they will be mainly for egg purposes ..

Yeah that's what I was worried if they would get heavy .. Well I'm gonna attempt as soon as the one rooster gets old enough To put in with them cause he's still pretty young and not as big as they are.. :) thank you ... I will post pictures in the near future ...
Hi Sunksschicken,
Did you ever cross your cornish with Brahma? If yes, what did the chicks look like once adult?

I have crossed a DC cock over Lt Brahma hens. The plus was this cross produces a sexlinked chick, so you know what you have right away. Our purpose is only meat. The real negative for us was in using the Lt Brahma the growth rate is way too slow as they build carcass frame (bones) first, and then after 6 - 8 months they start to fill it with muscle, which takes almost a year.

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