Limping Chicken


6 Years
Jul 24, 2015
I have a 3 year old Columbian Wyandotte that is limping pretty badly on her left leg. I took her to the vet last Saturday and she weighs about 5 pounds, is not egg bound, does not have bumble foot, has no broken bones and no mites. He put her on some anti-inflammatory medicine for 3 days but she is still limping pretty badly. She is eating and drinking fine, wandering around the back yard but she does rest a lot more often. The other 2 hens are not giving her any problems - thank goodness.
Has anybody had something like this happen to one of their chickens? Any words of wisdom for how to help her feel better?
Thank you
Most likely she has a pulled or sprained tendon or ligament. It probably happened jumping down from a high roost or other high object on your property. It would be best to lower roosts and eliminate high places where they can jump down.
Put her in a cage and provide water and feed. She needs rest and relaxation limiting movement in order for the leg to heal. Too much walking around will cause further injury requiring a longer healing time or may not heal at all.
Purchase vitamin B complex tablets at a pharmacy, crush several tablets into powder and sprinkle the powder onto her feed to eat. The vitamin B complex might help her heal quicker.
Then take her out of the cage in 7 days and see if there's improvement. If not, put her back in the cage for 10 days and continue with the vitamin B complex. Then take her out of the cage again and see if there's improvement. If there's no improvement, stop the vitamin B complex.
You will have to make the decision whether you want to continue the rest and relaxation with your hen.
These types of injuries take time to heal, sometimes 1 week, 2 weeks, up to several months depending on the severity of the injury. Sometimes they never heal, then you'll have to decide what's best for her quality of life.
I've dealt with these types of injuries quite a bit and I can tell you that I've had very good success with hens, no so good with roosters.
Patience and time are key.
Marcy seems to be doing better. A couple of people suggested it might be a sprained ligament or something along that line and that it would take time to heal. I've been keeping an eye on her, she's still eating and drinking fine, the others aren't picking on her and the limo seems to be getting better. Thank you for asking. I attached a picture with all 3 girls grabbing snacks out of the bucket. Marcy is the Columbian Wyandotte that is mostly white with a little black. The all white one is Sally, Easter Egger, and the mostly black one is Lucy, Barred Rock.


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