Limping for a week


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2016
My legborn is about 5 months old. She had just started laying (double yolks i might add) and then suddenly she was limping 5 days ago.
The other hens are not picking on her at all. She's eating and drinking but she isnt as active, she's not laying, and when she stands she holds her hurt foot up.
The nail is red. Inside. Her foot isnt swollen from what i can tell. no bumps....

There were no changes in anything with her until tonight.... I noticed her whole foot on that side is warm. The other one is cold. But is it warm from her holding it up by her belly or is it infection??

I'm new to chickens so clear advice is appreciated! Thank you!
I think her toenail sloughed off.... I think the red is just the quick. Look how small it is...

Anyways, since no one has responded I'm just going to pretend I know what I'm doing.
I'll comment how that goes so future people searching for help can see this thread and know what to do or not do by my trial and error.

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