List of Shows?


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
I've scoured the APA website and can't find a list of shows. Does anyone know where one would exist? The ARBA (for rabbits) has a public listing of shows nationwide to plan and obsess over. I'd really like to go to a few shows that aren't fair-related.
The Poultry Press magazine would be able to supply the most accurate list as they used to try and cordinate the whows so there would not be in in one area on the same date. Don
The ABA website has a listing of shows but it is not complete and there is basically no definitive list of shows, including the Poultry Press.
Your best best is to search numerous places. I could tell you of a few websites that carry excellent lists of shows but it is against BYC law to list websites from "competing " forums.


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