Little black sugar ants...EEWW!


8 Years
Oct 16, 2011
Eatonville, WA
The last couple weeks we've had a problem with those little sugar ants on our kitchen counter, and I'm just grossed out. We got some of those little bait things, where they take the tainted food back to their queen, but we're not noticing any results. How long are those things supposed to take?

And does anybody have an inexpensive, pet and kid safe tip? I'm already keeping the place pretty darn clean, but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated!

I leave dry cat food out (indoors) all the time, and have it inside a second dish filled with water. The ants drown or don't try to cross. Not a convenient solution for many things, but it does work. Eventually the ants stopped coming in the nearby window in search of cat food.
There is a powder (sorry, don't know the name but will check when I get home) that I spread along the window and the back of the counter every summer. We used to get those tiny little ants really bad. I put this powder down and immediately there were almost no ants. We'd see a stray one now and then but never the long line like before the powder.
I really think it's just called Ant Killer - but I'll find out what the chemical is.
Has anyone heard of using corn starch??? Seems like I've heard something about that being good to get rid of ants......
Borax powder works. just put it around the window sills and baseboards where they are coming in. Haven't bought any in awhile,but it used to be inexpensive. If you don't get alot of rain you can sprinkle it around the perimeter of your house. I am fighting them now at my mom's house. Seems I get rid of them one place and they come back in another. I am using the ant traps hoping to eliminate the nests. As soon as I can get out I wll get some borax. Good luck.
Spread Sevin Dust where ever you see them most. Works for us.
Borax+sugar+powered milk+water. Knock holes in the lids of jars an put a little of this mix in each jar. Place them all around the house. If none of the ants are dieing in the jar it needs more borax. If none are going back to the colony it needs less borax.

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