little giant 9300

You're brave! I'd be tempted to add a bit of water if that probe reads high over 60 plus means the humidity is most likely in the 20's and with the fan you have extra dry power now.
Good luck and keep us updated!

I'm confused. If the probe reads 60% humidity it's actually in the 20% humidity?
That's been my experience unless I know I've just added water to it. If it's dry and giving me that reading I know it's off because I'm using a separate hydrometer on the inside too. I also get condensation on the windows at that humidity. The sheet that came with it said its most accurate between 40-60% that has been my experience with comparing it with the other hydrometer. The probe one will get into the 70+ range when the other is registering low ~25%. The probe is the downfall of this model, I thought I had it good hanging off the roof, I did not secure it good enough though so I resorted to taping it to a golf ball. Something to mess with again when it's empty.

Decided to quick candle all eggs and I'm down to 15 out of 26, 4 were clear the rest quitters at various stages. I hope I don't lose anymore!
Started Lockdown tonight, 15 eggs, two look iffy but I left them just in case, pulled the turner, have eggs in cut down cartons and the probe is now taped to the top end of a carton. Here's hoping they hatch!
Started Lockdown tonight, 15 eggs, two look iffy but I left them just in case, pulled the turner, have eggs in cut down cartons and the probe is now taped to the top end of a carton. Here's hoping they hatch!

Hi, I just purchased the same incubator last week with intentions of using it for an additional hatcher. Was saddened when I got home and opened the box. What is with the cheap probe thing hanging down from the top of the incubator? I have searched the instructions but it seems it supposed to just sit on top of the eggs. I see you've tried to rig it differently I have thought to do this as well. Have you found anything that works. I'm just concerned that when I go into lockdown tomorrow night that as chicks hatch they will be injured by the probe or rip it off. I hope you or anyone else reading has a successful solution to this very poor product design.
Hi, I just purchased the same incubator last week with intentions of using it for an additional hatcher. Was saddened when I got home and opened the box. What is with the cheap probe thing hanging down from the top of the incubator? I have searched the instructions but it seems it supposed to just sit on top of the eggs. I see you've tried to rig it differently I have thought to do this as well. Have you found anything that works. I'm just concerned that when I go into lockdown tomorrow night that as chicks hatch they will be injured by the probe or rip it off. I hope you or anyone else reading has a successful solution to this very poor product design.
That probe is a nightmare!! I finally just left it alone. The chicks hatched and were fine. It didn't interfere with them moving around. Some even slept on it. Of course with it lying on the floor of the bator, I had to watch the temp and adjust a little, because it's a little cooler down there and would make the heat run more. Good luck with your hatch!

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