Little help here?

Mar 27, 2024
I have been candling the eggs under my broody every day. One has cracked, (it’s now dead sadly, but I did cover the crack) and now I think one might have a blood ring.. but it might be development. (I think I saw movement in the egg) I have one that’s doing great under my mama hen, and I think it’s on about day 11-13, not sure 😔 the others are just now starting to become embryos, and i can see their eyes a little bit, so does anyone know how to handle a staggered hatch? (I can’t take pics while candling to show you the possible blood ring) I have an incubator in my bathroom, I can plug in and start up if needed.
The mama hen is a black australorp x white Plymouth Rock. She is a very large and very fluffy bird. Her mama was/is a very broody hen of ours. This is this mama’s first batch though, so idk what’s gonna happen… 🧐 Anybody got tips?
So, first do you have an incubator?
I ask because once your broody hatches chicks for the first couple days, she will want to take those living chicks off the nest and get them food and water.
She will move to the next phase.
The rest of the eggs at that time will have to be completed in the incubator.
Also, candling your eggs every day is a bad idea.
You risk breaking tour broody.
You risk breaking eggs.

Staggered batch is never a good idea.
Good luck.

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