Little Nervous

Hooligan Farm

9 Years
Oct 24, 2010
Burlington County, NJ
I have to go to Ohio for 4 days to beat up people and worried that I'm going to come home to everything dead. Do you ever get used to leaving the farm in someone else's care while you're away?
The only problem that I can see is if the people that you are going to beat up are headed to your house to beat you up. There is a chance that when they arrive, you won't be there because you have gone to beat them up. When they notice that you're not home, they may choose to beat your animals up.
Good one!!!
4 days to beat up people?

I suspect, the person caring for your farm is more worried than you are, that you will come home disappointed.

I don't think you have to worry

and I am glad I do not live in Ohio...
Please give us an update and details of the
"beatdown" when you return. Also, fill us in on the condition of your animals, and if your caretaker suffered a similar beatdown if things weren't up to snuff. Enquiring minds want to know.
1. Automatic watering system if you have more than 3 cages of anything, quails can use Edstrom rabbit nipples.
2. Detailed workplan/checklist for your caretaker, to make the job a no-brainer and to take the stress off their mind of not getting things right.
3. Set out everything they need to do the job, ready and easy to use.
4. Give them a way of contacting you.

Happy hooliganing in Ohio!
Sorry about the the delay on a update. I came home and had to issue out beat downs but not to the babysitter
He did a good job and discovered that the nipples for my rabbit style water bottles ( he dropped a bottle and broke it so grabbed a 2 liter soda bottle that was sitting there). I made auto feeders that worked out great. I never got around to building a water system. The 2 liter soda bottles will come in handy now that I know cause I have to alot of weekend trips for tournaments this year
Nope! I just come home to people taunting me!

It's just there way of saying Nanny nanny boo boo! A 4 day vacation.....I'll put up with the trash talk!

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