Live crickets (but totally squeamish!) help!


5 Years
Mar 13, 2014

I'm really wanting to feed my baby chicks some live crickets because I heard it's a great source of protein, but one problem. I'm squeamish! I can't stand the thought of touching the bugs and was wondering if anyone had any input on how to handle this?

I heard putting the crickets in the fridge for a few minutes puts them in a little comatose state, which is genius, but it's the fact that I have to touch them. >.<

My backyard is kinda small and made completely of concrete so I'm also afraid of letting them loose for the chicks then they disappear.


I personally would hold off on the crickets for babies unless these cricket are really tiny. You don't want the babies choking on them. And yes, putting them in the frig will slow the bugs down. But I am sure the chicks would enjoy chasing a few of these around! Keep them to a minimum as babies need to eat fortified feed to grow properly.

Great to have you aboard and enjoy BYC!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Don't forget to be sure they have grit if giving them crickets etc. Freeze dried crickets or mealworms are another thing you could try if you don't like live bugs.
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Welcome to BYC. Maybe you just better stick with free dried mealworms rather than jumpy, squirmy, itchy crickets. Ever have a cricket get loose in the house?
You can find freeze dried / canned insects in most pet stores, they are sold as food for reptiles, hedgehogs, sugar gliders etc. They are also on E-Bay, Amazon, and other places on-line if you want to do a search, ie ... you probably want to get the "plain" ones, not the ones that were gut-loaded with high calcium food or reptile minerals.

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