Live Meat

R Ward

In the Brooder
Jun 28, 2017
What is the most entertainment a chicken can give you? It's eating a treat. I would give my girls fruit and it was fun to watch them race around gathering up all the little pieces, racing each other to the next piece tossed on the ground. Last week I was clearing a wood pile when a medium size lizard made a break for it. "Yellow" caught it in no time, but then the others (blue, green, orange) chased her around the yard trying to get a piece of the meat squawking at her for not sharing. In the meantime, two smaller lizards (gecko - I think) made it safely under some rocks. It may seem cruel to watch another animal become food for my girls, but it is the circle of life. And what fun to watch the victor enjoy a prize after out sprinting the others around the backyard! And yes I named my chickens after the colored bracelets on their legs.

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