Lock Down!!!?!?!?!?!?!


Yappette in Training
8 Years
Apr 13, 2011
NorthEastern Ohio
Well its official we are in LOCKDOWN!!!
This is my second hatch so i am UBER excited!!!! Anyone else out there in lockdown today wanna join me as a hatch buddy????
just went into lockdown yesterday. it is my second incubator hatch, third hatch if you count when i hatched some under my broody hen. i have 24 ringneck pheasants, 14 guinea fowl, and 1 white turkey. i have 1 pip in one of the guineaus, but it hasnt had any movement at all and it pipped over night, so im not sure. how about you?
ive got a bator full of blue copper marans, speckled sussex, splash silkies, and a barnyard mix!!! My last hatch i only got 8 out of 21 eggs so am hoping this one goes better!!! So GLAD to have a hatch buddy!!!!
Can I join?!? This is my first hatch, and I went into lockdown last night with 8 Muscovy ducks. We are a little ahead of schedule (didn't expect lockdown until tomorrow). I was checking them out yesterday, when I noticed one had already externally pipped! I freaked out and quickly closed the incubator. We have been in lockdown ever since. It is still moving and peeping
and I just got home to discover two more with external pips!!
I lockdown tomorrow!! 13 EEs from a fellow BYCer and 2 frizzle EEs of my own!
Ok, so this is only my second hatch in the last year.....The first one didn't go well AT ALL! Only one (out of 8) pipped...I helped it out and it didn't make it. Anyway.....Since I'm locking down at 10AM tomorrow, I candled tonight while it's dark.....So, is it good that in all of the fellow BYCers eggs, all I saw was about a quarter inch of clear at the big end and dark the rest? A few had a spot a little light at the pointy end too, but not so much. I've heard people saying how they can see them move still at day 17....but I was only able to wiggle around enough to see something move in 2....The others were just dark..very, very dark. That's good though, right? It means there's something in there blocking the light...like, a baby? LOL
Personally, I'm tickled to death that EVERY egg developed and they were shipped from GA to VA!!
How do we sleep tonight!?!

I don't want to miss anything, but i know it can take awhile from pip to zip...24-48 hrs, right??
Yup, an egg that is very late in development will look almost entirely dark. It's very hard to see movement at that stage--the chick's taking up too much space. If they're internally pipped, you might see that. Hang in there for another few days; you are likely to get some pips soon if they're at day 17.

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