Lockdown Day 16 and 18 eggs together?


6 Years
Mar 25, 2018
My broody hen isn't feeling well so I'm going to take away her 1 egg and put it in the incubator. I have 1 egg in the incubator that is on day 16 and the egg from the hen is day 18. I'm planning to turn off the turner and go into lock down with both eggs today when I move in Day 18 egg. Though it might be a bit more messy I'm planning to maintain lockdown for 5 days so the early chick will be in there for maybe 2 days while the other egg gets a chance to hatch and dry. I'm thinking this should be okay since they're usually okay for the first few days. Anyone have any experience, input or tips on this?
I would not worry about turning or the artificial 18 day timeline. Put both eggs in. When the first one hatches, get it out and raise the humidity again. The other egg isn't likely to have pipped yet.

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