Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

Congratulations hambone! It's so exciting to see them move! I don't hear any chirping yet though. Believe me, I have tried.

I hope you all will post pics if you can of your little ones!

I hope yours all hatch and are healthy.
I beleive you ever since I got home from work I have been glued to it!!! LOL this is awesome I only wish my wife was into it! I work for pepsi and Tuesdays are a big day for me so hopefully they dont hatch until i get off work LOL....I will post pictures and updates as I go and am hoping you all will also! I dang sure am worried bout this one that pipped on the wrong end...I havent heard many great things bout ones that do that! Anyhows good luck to all of you that are hatching! If they all hatch Ill have to many so ill need a couple addresses to ship ya someLOL:thumbsup:frow
I had 7 moving last night before I went to bed...now I don't see any moving.
I guess it's still a little early to worry. I will be disappointed if none hatch! I have my temp at 99.5 and now the humidity is at 60%.

How's everyone elses eggs doing today?
Mine are ok so far I think. A couple had some movement but not much. I really hope we have some hatch! My kids are so looking forward to it, me too!
And I really need some more girls! We got our first chicks in April and half turned out to be roosters! So I thought we would try to hatch some out this time.
I have 2 peeps right now too! So Eggcited!! Although I'm not sure that I will be agle to hatch again, this has been the longest 22 days of my life. LOL
Hooray to those pipping- so exciting!
I am sending out strong hatching vibes to everyone's eggs! LOL!

We hadn't seen any movement or heard any chirps but my daughter accidentally bumped the bator around noon and we heard a peep! We were so excited. (And had to resist the temtation to bump it again) Now at 5pm we have one pipped...
Go go go!

I honestly don't know if I will try my hand at hatching again- I struggled with infertility for years and the stress of trying to hatch these lil eggos has seriously triggered flashbacks for me!!!!
I had NOOO IDEA I'd have this much anxiety over it!

Of course if all goes well and we end up with a few adorable, fuzzy chicks running around, I'll quickly forget all about the stress!

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