Loner Hen


In the Brooder
Jan 28, 2019
We have a hen that is at the bottom of the pecking order out of a flock of 5 hens. She often hangs out with me instead of the flock when I'm outside. Lately she has started roosting up in a tree instead of in the coop, should I be concerned? She is about 8 ft off the ground and hard to see, i don't think a predator would find her easily. I guess she really doesn't like the other birds.
I have a hen that's the same way... She sleeps in a nesting box thats out in the open. So far she's been okay and I didn't sleep well the first night thinking something would get her, but I just leave her be. Honestly I think yours would be fine, but just know that a predator can get her. Just know that there's always that chance, but to me that's part of having chickens. I'd be heartbroken if I lost one of mine, but I do know it's the circle of life. I just lost a chick to a raven not long ago, but I realize my chickens free range (in a 7 ft fence that has a lot of SQ FT) and it's going to happen eventually.
We have a hen that is at the bottom of the pecking order out of a flock of 5 hens. She often hangs out with me instead of the flock when I'm outside. Lately she has started roosting up in a tree instead of in the coop, should I be concerned? She is about 8 ft off the ground and hard to see, i don't think a predator would find her easily. I guess she really doesn't like the other birds.

My husband and I are new to chickens and I wish someone would have told us to get two of each breed! We have the sweetest little Buff Orpington the is so tiny compared to her two massively tall Sapphire Gem sisters, and one SILY EE girl who would rather not be held, she just wants to live that chicken life!

But poor Sugar is always sleeping by herself, literally, next to the mirror! It breaks my heart! I want to take her out and cuddle her but I don’t want to make it worse for her her :hit They’re 13 weeks old. I really want a pair a bantam Pekins. Or even a pair of bantam Orpingtons. She just needs cuddle buddies that are her size! I think she is a runt! Poor Sugar :rolleyes: Any suggestions? (She tries to be included, btw)

Elenor, the Easter Egger

My Sweet Little Sugar

The Gems - Violet and Viv
We have a hen that is at the bottom of the pecking order out of a flock of 5 hens. She often hangs out with me instead of the flock when I'm outside. Lately she has started roosting up in a tree instead of in the coop, should I be concerned? She is about 8 ft off the ground and hard to see, i don't think a predator would find her easily. I guess she really doesn't like the other birds.

How old are your birds and how long have you had them?
How big is your coop, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics would help immensely.

Just because you can't see/find her easily,
does not mean a predator will have any problem at all.
But poor Sugar is always sleeping by herself, literally, next to the mirror! She just needs cuddle buddies that are her size! I think she is a runt! Poor Sugar :rolleyes: Any suggestions? (She tries to be included, btw)

No guarantee any new birds will take to her either, even if they are the same breed - not to say it can't happen, but more likely than not any new birds will end up hanging out with their fellow new bird.

As long as she's eating ok and not being attacked, she might just be fine sitting off by herself. Though... what happens if you take the mirror away? I personally am not keen on using mirrors if there's other birds around, since I'd want them interacting with one another and not the mirror.

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