Long Islanders.... I know you are out there

What breeds did you get?? Have fun with them
Dear LIAnimalLovers
My Colombian Cross Rocks (mix between Rhode Island red and Colombian) are very friendly! One follows me around the yard and will sit on my lap. She also hangs out in the coop with me while I am cleaning it.
If you get Barred Rocks, get all Barred Rocks since they will pick on the more docile breeds. I had to give my Barred ones to a neighbor. My experience with them is that they're not that friendly. They ran away from me and are difficult to catch. They are the biggest breed I had and are great egg layers, but the both of them were hen pecking the weakest one. Although, I've read other bloggers say Barred Rocks are friendly.
My Speckled Sussex ate out of my hands when they were young chicks. Hens get friendlier once they start laying eggs. The Sussex mature later than other breeds, so mine haven't started laying. I'm expecting eggs from them at the beginning of November.
I bought all of mine from Agway in Riverhead and luckily have all hens!! The chick farm they order them from guarantees 90% hens. Agway sells baby chicks in the spring/summer months. Chicks need to stay indoors for 6 weeks until they grow all of their feathers. I bought 8 of them in the beginning of May. NY State law requires them to sell a minimum of 6 chicks under 2 months of age. I couldn't wait to get them out of my house and into their coop!! By the way if you get any roosters, they will help you find a home for them (if you don't want it or not allowed to have one in your township).
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Hey there fellow New Yorkers. I have a question about your winter chicken coops. I know this topic has been over discussed in other threads but since you all have first hand experience with NY winters I wanted your expert opinions. Does your coop have insulation? Do your provide chickens with heat lamps during the winter? Do you do nothing and let nature take its course? Any help/ advise would be greatly appreciated!

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