Look what I found under one of my breeder pens!!!


8 Years
May 22, 2011
Fort Worth
This lil guy was under a pen I was cleaning! Its a baby Western Dimondback. He rattled at me! What really sux is they dont just have one baby! Im thinking about building one of my cages with glass for him & keeping his lil butt! I know I know,but I can handle it.
Me too! I always thought those guys with pythons were weirdos! But I think this lil guy is cool.He rattles at you when you get close.Hes sooo cute I wanna hug em! Haaaaaaaaaha
Lol wouldnt recommend it! The young ones are the worst. They havent learned to control the amount of venom they inject when they bite so you usually end uo with a full dose bite! But I guess for those who like snakes....you might call him cute. Lol
Its ok,Im a former zoo keeper.I know what he is & what he can do.I dont know why I have always wanted one. I'll make em a tank thats safe.
Hope you have anti-venom handy if you decide to keep it for a bit(check your local hospital to make sure they do just in case) Please let him go in a safe place away from your property, where people and the little critter will both be safe....he /she would be miserable in an aquarium, better off alive and free or maybe dead rather than in glass jail.

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