Look what I found under one of my breeder pens!!!

i will kill a black snake,if he is near my chicken coop.i know i would kill that.
I have seen lots of rat snakes here, and dealt with them, but not that type of snake. I even came upon a large one that had one of my young pullets wrapped up with it's body. I was not able save the baby but I had no mercy on the snake. Then we started to miss eggs in the shed we had the nest boxes in. We bought some ceramic eggs and that worked for a while, but we did end up catching that snake in the back of the shed. I did make sure that the bottom of the hen house has no holes where a snake can hide.
You can sell it. There is research going on with the venom which makes these snakes valuable. Since you are a former zookeeper you should know a herpetologist who can help you sell this snake. While my first instinct is to kill it, I understand your fascination to keep it. However, I would never keep any snake in captivity if there was the option to release it.
that's what the dead guy said LOL
x2. Can't handle snakes. I can identify them pretty good, (cause I am scared to death) and am willing to relocate a black snake or a non poison one, but if it's poison? History. Sorry, where there is one there is probably more, and will NOT take a chance with Grand kids around all the time.

Now I will be jumpy for days!

redhotchick be careful
i would freak if i saw that thing in my yard!!! thankfully snakes are one critter i dont have to worry about - we have none in the islands - although i believe a few have been caught on Oahu - apparently they like to take vacations too! , hop a plane and take off to the islands!
we do have scorpions and very large centipedes here but they dont bother the chooks - just have to worry about keiki (kids).
i have to agree with the others that keeping it in a "glass jail" is an awful way for any creature to live its life... but to each his own.
P.S. one killed a Jack Russel I had, and had a mule got bit under her ankle cap and had to put her down as well. No thank you on the snake business!
My brother-n-law was bit by a copperhead 2 years ago, he was in pretty bad shape there for awhile, but he did recover.
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Sorry Yall been busy and off BYC for a minute. Its been either you love it or hate it. Well I am not a peta person at all. I just do not feel like he is gonna be sad or stressed out. He is a snake,not a dog or a bird. I build zoo quailty enclosures for exotics & have already started on one for him. It will be 6ft wide by 30 inches tall by 30 inches deep.It will have 1/4 inch Laminated glass.If anything were to ever hit the glass,its like your windshield. He is going in my man cave so no kids around him. I have already been offered $ for him and said no. In case anyone wonders,I was offered the job as a zoo keeper.I lived 2 hours from work but still did it for 4 years. I would not move to Dallas for anything so I had to resign. Dont worry,this lil guy will have a happy home where he will always be fed & taken care of. I actually did call the hospital which is 5 minutes away & asked them if they has Anti Venom and they said yes,always.

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