Look what I got in the mail today---

these are a gift from a fellow BYCer !!! yeap Cynthia I did a duck hatch 2 weeks ago going to hopefully get these in the bator and out in time for an orp hatch next month - I figure if I do a few back to back hatches I will get it out of my system and life can back to normal --- Oh who am I kidding - LOL ( dont think you can ever get it out of your system )

They will live for quite some time. Its when they are heated and cooled that they die. Just think of how a hen will sometimes lay 15, or more eggs before she starts sitting them. Its the same way for these folks that ship and hatch. Its very common. Take a look at the buy, sell, giveaway board. I'm sitting 16 guinea eggs under a hen now that I got from a friend. They weren't shipped, but were collected over more than a week.

Pretty soon you will have some Bloomers too!
I am so exicited to see the teenie weenie little babies that come out of these eggs !!

Jeff is going to drive me crazy wanting to know when they go in the bator - he is already giving me bator updates - telling me what the temp is and the humidity and there are no eggs in there yet LOL

he is worse than a kid

good luch sis get them in asap dont let them get to cold I head it can cause nurve damage to the chick if the eggs gets cold even before in to the heat and i had it done I had one eggs sit out and it got cold before i put it in the bator and when the chick was born his legs are not the same as the other chicks he cant keep up with them but it is hanging in there
well sis off to bed gpt to get up ear;y if u dont hear from my for a few days Im going to St Louis I will talk to u when i get back Love ya Pam

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