Look what I'm picking up next week (kitten pics ADDED)


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Somewhere in the sticks
This is where I should quite literally be

but i've been sucked into my love of cats, yet again.

after my trip to Ohio ended in bringing back no kittens, because both of my mom's friends momma cats somehow ended up at the shelter where she works, she brought them home where they were re-united with their babies.

I ended up rehoming the large tomcat on my property Leo, the little Tortie paint ended up passing away, no ryme nor reason, I found her dead on my porch the other day.

and three of my momma cats kittens have found new homes.(the two girls left are not fit for indoor life, they HATE being inside)

I decided that I need an indoor kitty to keep me company...

as it just so happens...I'll be picking up TWO next week, two little girl kittens found under dumpster where a friend works, going on MAYBE 6 weeks, they're tiny.

she works pretty much every single day next week so i won't be able to pick them up until nexts thursday and needless to say i'm excited,

I'm excited because it's been about three years since I've had an STRICTLY indoor cat, but ofcourse thats no garuntee that they won't start going out, but still, it'll be nice to have a cat or two who WANT to come in and hang for a while.

and two, because as it just so happens, they're two of my most favorite colored cats, a tortoiseshell and a calico.

I will post pics as soon as I ca figure out how, tinypic wants to be a butt tonight.
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FINALLY got the pics my friend sent me to work,

She called me this morning to tell me how they were before she went to work, she told me that they had eaten from soggy dog food (she only has a dog), and she played with them some, she said that they're actually quite friendly and in good body weight, so they couldn't have been wild kittens.

she's given them temperary names, Luna and Booboo
...which ofcourse I will be changing, lol she just doesn't like referring to them as "the kittens", she did that with her dog when he was a pup, before she gave him a permanent name (which is Rogue), he went through 5 or 6.., anyways PIC TIME!


this is the one she calls Luna, she apparently the most friendly, loves to play but has an attitude


and this is "booboo" named for the patch on her eye that looks like a, well, booboo according to me friend lol
she's crashed after epic battle with a cotton ball.

ETA: that just so y'all know, Friend said that they were no where near that clean last night, the pics were long after their baths, she said they were covered in mud and grease and nasty rotten food...juice, and stunk to high heck, she told me she could STILL smell the stink in her car, but she's not mad, she's going back today to see if there are anymore kittens, just incase they are a wild litter
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