Looking for a New Breed


7 Years
Aug 15, 2014
So I've recently decided to take another dip in the poultry pool and get serious about chickens (and maybe one day ducks or pigeons).
I just need to pick a breed or two to focus on.
So far, I've loved the Barred Rocks for their gentle, curious nature and the Ameracaunas for their egg color. And we also have a pair of Buff Orpingtons that I am partial to for the laidback nature of the rooster.
So, I would like something dual purpose so that I can focus on show, meat, and eggs.
I would also like a breed that is docile with non aggressive roosters. Broody would also be nice.
Also, a breed that can come in multiple colors would be nice because I love genetics, but isn't necessary.
Thanks for any suggestions!
So I've recently decided to take another dip in the poultry pool and get serious about chickens (and maybe one day ducks or pigeons).
I just need to pick a breed or two to focus on.
So far, I've loved the Barred Rocks for their gentle, curious nature and the Ameracaunas for their egg color. And we also have a pair of Buff Orpingtons that I am partial to for the laidback nature of the rooster.
So, I would like something dual purpose so that I can focus on show, meat, and eggs.
I would also like a breed that is docile with non aggressive roosters. Broody would also be nice.
Also, a breed that can come in multiple colors would be nice because I love genetics, but isn't necessary.
Thanks for any suggestions!

If you want to work with Ameraucana, be sure you source your stock from a reputable breeder rather than hatchery (which, since you say you want to 'get serious' and focus is likely already your plan for all your birds). Since you love the BOs you currently have, what about some nice English Orpingtons in a different color variety - there are some amazing Orpingtons out there these days.
Yep, I agree with the English orpingtons. Very gentle and laid back, super fluffy. Do go broody and come in many colors.
Do all Orpingtons have the same breed standards? Like, would I be able to breed them with my Buffs? Because I would love to do Orpingtons...
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Do all Orpingtons have the same breed standards? Like, would I be able to breed them with my Buffs? Because I would love to do Orpingtons...
it depends. Buff should only be bred with buff. There are 2 different standards. The American and the english. The English are bigger and fluffier than the American bird. I like the English over the American myself. But it's all a matter of preference. The English are quite a bit more expensive than the american. Do you know if yours are American or english?

My avatar is a black English orpington bantam pullet.
For showing purposes, or serious breeding that doesn't involve working on a project color, you would want to keep your color varieties "pure". Also, as noted above, there are differences in the two (English and American), again - if serious breeding and exhibition is your goal, you would want to keep the lines pure.
I love my Wheaten Ameraucanas. (Dittos on the sourcing! So many people & hatcheries think that Easter Eggers are the same bird...THEY AREN'T.) I love the personality of mine! They are super friendly and come when called, ever since they were babies. Even this little roo I have, he is such a pocket-chicken. He flies over and lands on my arm when I go in to feed them. (I know, that won't be so cute when he's a full-grown wheaten Rooster!!!) The hens are so sweet, so much personality. I have had Easter Eggers for years, but my first blue egg-layer was an Ameraucana many many years ago, and these purebreds are the same temperament that she was back then. I vote for Ameraucana.
Mine we got from the store, so I'm guessing they would fit into the American standard. The rooster actually won second place in the fair, so I wouldn't mind breeding him.
I would probably go with the American since I saw something that said English have more trouble breeding... And the price difference.
Hmm... I'll need to look more into this. Do they tend to be good brooders?
I do like Ameraucanas, but it's so difficult to find good breeders who know the difference!
I might start with Orpingtons and then add in some Ameraucanas later.

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