Looking for a quiet breed


8 Years
Mar 29, 2015
Pittsburgh, PA
I live in a residential area with close houses. I currently have 4 Bantam Old English Silver Duckwing Hens. And they are LOUD! They sqwack and bock all day. I'm also looking for good layers with decent sized eggs. The Bantam OE eggs are very small. Does anybody have any advice? Thanks
It does seem like old fashioned dual purpose breeds are a bit calmer and quiet, though they all speak up after laying, or if they spot something suspicious. I agree with Orpington, and the barred rocks, also australorps, stay away from light flighty birds like polish and leghorns.
My RIRs are generally pretty quiet, although they can get pretty talkative if: a) announcing an egg, b) something suspicious or exciting occurs, or c) I forget the daily treats (God forbid). Lol. My Wyandottes (who are a bit younger) have been extremely quiet, but lacking the personality of the RIRs.

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