Looking for any Egg Study


12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
I am looking for any egg study that reflects the wieght of the egg to the percent of live hatches.

I know not to set really dirty eggs or misshaped ones.

I sell eggs and I sell them by size as dictated by wieght thru the use of a egg scale.

So it got me to thinking do the heavier eggs have "the right stuff" to produce more chics.
That's a good question. I don't have a specific answer. The recommendations from the extension sites is to set average sized eggs. Don't set the unusually small ones or the unusually large ones. With the smaller eggs, the theory is that the pipping and zipping chick does not have enough room to move and turn inside the egg. I'm not sure why they recommend not to try to hatch the larger eggs, but they are pretty clear on that. I don't think they are just talking about double yolkers. Some people have hatched double yolkers, but that is pretty rare. Usually the two chicks get in each others way during pipping and zipping, if they get that far, and both die or, if one does make it, is very weak. When I incubate, I try to do things that improve my odds of success, not decrease them.

Remember that different breeds lay different sized eggs. This recommendation for incubating average sized eggs is eggs average for that breed. My Australorps lay eggs bigger than my Orpingtons, so I have some eggs in the incubator that look big compared to others.

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