Looking for confirmation of the gender and breed?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 20, 2014
We just had the experience of having to rehome a rooster that the breeder swore was a pullet. He didn't end up crowing until five months old, so now I'm paranoid that I don't have a handle on sexing chickens at all!

This is our red (hopefully) girl that I would like confirmation of the gender and suggestions about the breed.

She (
) is 17 weeks old, still very little comb development, but one greenish black tail feather is starting to develop a curl to it. Sorry about the photo quality, as she hid in our little temporary coop when I pulled out the camera.

Hooray! Thanks everyone, she has such a beautiful personality I would be devastated to lose her too. Can't wait until she starts laying now!
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