Looking for Experienced Goose Egg Hatchers...


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Atlanta, GA
....somewhere within the southeast. As you may know, I am trying along with a few other breeders to save Cotton Patch Geese from extinction. I am, honestly, terrible at hatching. I could let my female hatch their own, but I think we can get a few more babies if we hatch some and then let the females hatch their own. Plus, one of mine is a yearling and I don't expect much dedication from her this year. So, I am looking for an experienced goose egg hatcher nearby, that would be willing to hatch some CTP eggs for me. Ideally, I'd like them to teach me how. For now, I don't want to take the chance of missing a single gosling to my hatching skills. If anyone feels up to the challenge, please let me know!
Id say dont worry over it. The more you worry the more you will panic and stuff will not go the way you planned then you will worry more. I got 4 goose eggs last year, put them in and told myself not to worry over them and I didnt. I had help from Pete who did a great post on how he did his eggs. I more or less ran the bator dry with umidity around 25 to 30, sprayed them once a day, turned them 3 times a day and put the lid back on. I had 4 out of 4 hatch. I was rather pleased with myself. Its not as hard as you think it is.
go, do you still have all your ducks and geese? just wondering, seems i remember you were heading back to Scotland did you change your mind? Hope you don't mind all the questions just happy to see you here.
Im trying my hand at hatching goose eggs next spring. 6 pilgrims eggs. If I do good maybe I could hatch some for you? I am young and only had two hatches my slef (one duck hatch and one chicken) it would be no charge to hatch any for you (if you want me to) just that if not many hatch you dont get mad at me
PM me if you are interested.
Cotton patch geese hmm interesting. I know there are people on this site that are more experienced hatchers than me but i have plenty of experience when it comes to hatching waterfowl eggs. If you don't find anyone in the south, i would be more than willing to take on the challenge of hatching the cotton patch. I had to give up the 1502 cabinet incubator i was borrowing but just ordered a brinsea that should be here soon. When they hatch I can ship the day olds back to you.

-also saw on your site you want to start raising saxony. I have 3 drakes available.
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go, do you still have all your ducks and geese? just wondering, seems i remember you were heading back to Scotland did you change your mind? Hope you don't mind all the questions just happy to see you here.

I dont have a thing left, I moved back to Scotland
I may have to take you up on this, but I'd prefer someone located more close-by. They only lay once every other day or so, so it could be hard to get them to you.
i would like geese. does anyone know of breeders who sell hatching eggs? OP, i would gladly assist, but not close enough. you can send me eggs, and i will happily hatch them - - and i'd love to be a part of saving a breed.

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