Looking for French Black Copper Marans near Northeast OK


8 Years
Jul 7, 2011
I would like to purchase some BCM chicks or hatching eggs. I really don't want to have to ship the chicks or eggs. If anyone knows anyone that is breeding these birds please let me know, I have been looking for a while.
Let me know when you find them, please. I have 2 bcm pullets and just found out I have a rooster (all this time I thought it was a female). I got mine from a lady in Claremore. I'm new to chickens so I'm not real sure how they are supposed at 18 weeks old. Not sure of the quality. I need to get in touch with her to see if she has anymore.
There was hatching eggs tonight @ the cement auction. Think they came from okcarla, they live in Tuttle. Her birds are npip. I know that is a ways from you, but if you were in the okc area wouldn't be too far.

I hatched some of her blue copper marans & they are some of my favorites.
Where are you located?

Edit: Nevermind I see now from northeast OK... to far from me not to ship. Good luck!

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