Looking for Oregon Hatcheries


10 Years
Jul 4, 2009

I'm looking for good hatcheries in Oregon.

I'm considering taking over the management of a feed store in Oregon. I know that this store has done good business in the past selling chicks. I have some basic knowledge of chickens but I'm wondering what advice I could get about what breeds I would likely be able to make a profit with when selling. I want to buy local, so I'm also looking for advice on good local hatcheries. I want to buy from people who care about the health and proper management of their flocks.

Hi there, My name is Rachael and I live out in Newberg. I went thru and to a number of feedstores around the Willamette valley and Portland area. There seemed to be a real run on chickens at the beginng of spring. I talked with several stores( feed and farm and garden) Anyway here is some of the info I can pass along.
Pistil nursury in Portland may be a good place to call as a resource, they were looking for chicks after their orders were dropped by a hatchery. I believe they may knowabout a hatchery out around the Mcminnville, Amity area. Also try a "Lazy54.com hatchery? They are located in Aurora-Donald area.
Eagle creek farm and feed had an OUTSTANDING set up for their chicks. I was very impressed at how healthy , CLEAN and happy the chicks were and how many varieties they housed.
Worst cases of chick housing were Gaston feed store and Mcminnville Wilco. They both had the stacked chick racks and those were filthy and just not a nice way to house the chicks. Gaston had a dead one in it and a customer called to complain that 2 chicks had died by the time she got home.
I would definitely go out to Eagle creek next time for chicks even for the 1 hour drive to get there. I don't know where they get their chicks from but they may be worth talking too.
Hope this helps.
Wow, that does help a lot actually. The Lazy 54 looks like they have a lot of the breeds I was interested in. And I'm living really close to Eagle Creek in the Damascus area.

Thanks alot!
Working in a small town feed and seed (Im the seed), we used to order from Lazy54 (who has been in business under previous names). We experienced large loss rates and had really had a hard time with this company. I suggest you (Better business burea) BBB it.
We recently switched to a hatchery out of state with a higher success rate. This year with them we moved apx 500 pullets, had a loss of 3-5 through shipping and or related trauma and so far have only had 2 calls about roo's. I know this may not be everyones experience, but we did the research after we had such trouble and I think its paid off. As a business you want to check loss rates and past business behaviors... Do use forums and local suppliers input as well. Coastals for instance will tell you which hatcheries they use as will many small suppliers. Good luck.
I don't know what hatchery my chicks came from. They were purchased at Coastal in Albany. They were healthy and I was happy with the purchase. Coastal does not stock very many chicks and they usually run out after a couple days if not immediately after the chicks are delivered.
Thanks for the help everyone. I can use it.

I've heard good and bad things about Murray McMurray too. I'm still looking around. We had a lady bring us 10 laying hens so now we are selling brown, green, and tan/pink eggs at 25 cents an egg or $3 a dozen. Cookamarans, Amaracana, Black Australorps, and Buff Orpingtons in the mix. Then another lady brought us 2 half grown Amaracana roosters. (one is white and one has the same coloring as a barred plymouth rock, but they have the puffs on the sides of their faces). Nobody has bought the hens or roosters yet, but we have em priced at $25 a hen and $15 a rooster. Plus I have some of my personal birds here for sale, pigeons. I have 4 racing homers, 1 Tumbler, and 1 Danish Suabian that I might part with. This heat has really been rough on them all.

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