Looking for photos of show quality RIRs and BR for BYC article...


Sep 4, 2019
Idaho -- currently roadschooling
My Coop
My Coop
I'm working on an article about poultry quality. Would anybody be willing to let me use theirs? You will get credit, of course.

I'm specifically looking for a photo showing the side profile of a Rhode Island Red, emphasizing the brick-like body shape and color. Another photo showing the correct barring of a good Barred Plymouth Rock would be nice too!

I will also need photos of poor quality birds for comparison, especially another side profile of a RIR. I have some old ones but my photo skills weren't so good back when I had these breeds...
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I have some pictures of both in show, mostly bantams, but they aren't super great. Not my birds so I couldn't get in there and make them pose, of course, but I did take the pictures myself. I don't know if that would help or not?

One picture I took also had a production Rhode Island Red hen next to a show quality Rhode Island Red hen that had both been entered in this show. Neither are posing, but you can see the feather color difference at least. Just let me know if you think any of these would be useful for your article!

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