Looking for the prefect chicken!


10 Years
Apr 2, 2009
berkeley springs
I've read so many post on the best brown egg layers,my head is spinning! Ok I have 4 yr old golden comets, they are great birds but they stopped laying this winter. Im looking for chickens that lay lots of large brown eggs, maybe not a hybrid this time. I want them to be calm and friendly and not flighty. My Easter eggers lay eggs but since they fly out and free range all day I cant find the eggs, the eggs are also small like a medium. I dont eat my chickens so they do not have to be dual purpose birds. Any suggestion on finding the perfect bird? Also they need to be cold and heat hardy.

thank you
I wouldn't expect your 4 year old chickens to be laying on a regular basis- regardless of breed!!! My first flock was RIR's. They are good layers for 2 years and then slow down. Not the friendliest (to each other) or the prettiest... I love my buff orpingtons, and the black Australorps- they are both good layers, cold hearty, very nice to each other and very attractive... Of course, everyone's answer to this question will be different! Good luck in your selection!
I too love my Black Austrolorps, great layers through winter and healthy but not flighty, they are big birds, my light brahmas are sweeties but for the size their eggs you would think they are bantams.
Delawares are super calm and friendly - I have several that are lap sitters. They are darn good layers, and you would also be helping a threatened breed. . . .
Here's my list!
Buff Orpingtons
Black Australorps

I also have Easter Eggers, which I love, and Turkens, who are very friendly and inquisitive.

(edited because I can't spell!)
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My light Brahma is laying even when she is molting, when everybody else gave up. Mine is really friendly, but I handle her quite a lot -- I think nearly any of them are nice if they are handled.


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